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Instal·lar paquets educatius utilitzant scripts

A més d'instal·lar el paquet educatiu Edubuntu base, animem els usuaris aque també instal·lin un conjunt de recursos educatius valuosos addicionals. Aquests recursos addicionals s'instal·len executant un conjunt d'scripts a través d'un procés senzill descrit en aquesta secció. Si tens preguntes o suggeriments, escriu els teus missatges directament al mur de l'equip QA de Labdoo.

Llista d'scripts disponibles

What scripts can NOT do

What scripts are not able to solve

The Labdoo team is working to improve and extend capability of the scripts. At that moment the following steps have to be adjust manually:

General for all desktops and for all user (labdoo and student):

Firefox: 4 tabs should be added manually and pre-set in Preferences -> General

Installing Education Packages Using Scripts

In addition to installing the base Edubuntu education package, users are encouraged to also install a set of additional valuable educational resources. These additional resources are installed by executing a set of scripts through a simple process described in this section. If you have questions or suggestions please write your messages directly in the Labdoo QA Team Wall.

List of Available Scripts