Labdoo Annahmestelle 81241 München: Pasing


Status message

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Labdoo Annahmestelle 81241 München: Pasing



Annahmestelle München: Pasing
Steinerweg 1a
81241 München
48° 9' 12.9744" N, 11° 37' 19.164" E
Hub type: 
Dropping point
Sanitizing point
About this hub: 

Laptop-Abgabe nach Absprache Mo-Do 18-20h oder Sa-So 10-20h
Please contact
Abnahmestelle associated to Labdoo München Hub

Bei Fragen oder falls kein Kontakt zustande kommt, wendet euch gerne an, vielen Dank.
Alle Hubs in Deutschland auch als nach PLZ-sortierte Liste, bei Google Maps oder OSM OpenStreetMap. Alternativ ist auch ein Postversand möglich.

Hub branches: 
Date it was created: 28/04/18/
Date it was last updated: 27/08/23


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Dootronic ID Country Status Model Serial number Weight
000049451 El Salvador [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7114QZ6
000049452 El Salvador [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7351RPW
000049453 El Salvador [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG74115X
000049454 El Salvador [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 12 MP09MEF5
000049455 El Salvador [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad T410 R8E80H7
000049456 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG731136T
000049457 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7442MQT
000049458 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7380YZX
000049459 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6391PPH
000049460 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG64259BP
000049461 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG62277FP
000049462 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Tecra 7J194753H
000049463 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8161QCH
000049464 Germany [S2] Passed quality assurance HP Elitebook 5CG8050C86
000049465 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude E7270 4R4XPC2
000050496 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG744447V
000050497 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG744446G
000050498 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8251G9W
000050499 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7035CRJ
000050500 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X2T
000050501 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X51
000050502 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757TZ
000050503 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8094MY8
000050504 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X54
000050505 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174LC
000050506 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6386MJZ
000050507 Kenya [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG74444485
000050508 Kenya [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6471NZX
000050509 Kenya [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8251G3X
000050510 Kenya [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7390HFT
000050511 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174L9
000050512 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7035CPC
000050513 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG619053Z
000050514 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174L2
000050515 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6512332
000050516 Morocco [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757YU
000050517 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7083L79
000050518 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7083L4C
000050519 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8210J3Z
000050520 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757W2
000050521 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG74444GM
000050522 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757WZ
000050523 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8064FWX
000050524 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG65129XG
000050525 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG744446N
000050526 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7260XSB
000050527 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7083L3Z
000050528 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757VM
000050529 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG81160CH
000050530 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6471P28
000050531 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7035CT0
000050532 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7260XHL
000050533 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174KT
000050534 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8210JB8
000050535 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6386M3K
000050536 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7083L8C
000050537 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5cG8042S91
000050538 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG82757TD
000050539 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174LB
000050540 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG74444FW
000050541 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7390H1P
000050542 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG71174LJ
000050543 Bolivia [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7400C5T
000050544 Germany [S2] Passed quality assurance HP Elitebook 5CG6386M8X
000050545 Germany [S2] Passed quality assurance HP Elitebook 5CG8115YXC
000050546 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8210J5X
000050547 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6386M4Z
000050548 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG827583P
000050549 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG8064FXH
000050550 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7390HFB
000050551 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X58
000050552 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7035CQC
000050553 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG81160GJ
000050554 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG8042RWF
000050555 Germany [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP Elitebook Giesecke+Devrient - S/N pending
000050556 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7390H5R
000050557 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7202SBW
000050558 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X37
000050559 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7503L30
000050560 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6512B52
000050561 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG827584K
000050562 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7260XTX
000050563 Congo (Kinshasa) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7202SQ4
000050564 Vietnam [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6471P2N
000050565 Vietnam [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7390HJ7
000050566 Vietnam [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG6190565
000050567 Vietnam [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG74444FH
000050568 Vietnam [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7083L45
000050569 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG7260XR9
000050570 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG8162SWC
000050571 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7035CR7
000050572 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7400DWY
000050573 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 5CG7312X1Z
000050574 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG8275815
000050575 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG7083KZ8
000050576 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG7202SV6
000050577 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG8251G39
000050578 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG8042S7H
000050579 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook 5CG7202SQC
000050580 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Elitebook SCG811603V


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