apt-offline Computer offline aktualisieren


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Hierzu gibt es das Tool apt-offline. Damit kann zuhause an einem Online-PC der Update u.a. heruntergeladen gewerden. apt-offline allows you to easily upgrade or install new packages on your offline PC, by using another online PC.

Zum Installieren (jeweils im Terminal ausführen und ENTER):
sudo apt-get install apt-offline

On the offline PC: sudo apt-offline set /tmp/apt-offline.sig
On the online PC: sudo apt-offline get C:\apt-offline.sig --bug-reports --threads 5
On the offline PC: sudo apt-offline install /media/USB/apt-offline.zip

On the offline PC: sudo apt-offline set abuse-offline.sig --install-packages abuse --src-build-dep --install-src-packages abuse
On the online PC: sudo apt-offline get abuse-offline.sig --no-checksum --bundle abuse-offline.zip
On the offline PC: sudo apt-offline install /media/USB/abuse-offline.zip

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