CSR package


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Hi Jordi, this is a very good idea and that nice tool to do both, recognise the companies contribution and to motivate them to do more.

Since sustainability is a core point of our activity I am a bit concerned that more valuable companies might be motivated to give away their dootronics quite early in order to get a better recognition.

A German study (I don't find the link unfortunately) clearly indicates, that even with the remarkable improvement of the efficiency when you purchase is worth after 5 to 7 years. It takes this time to compensate the footprint and the energy used during the life cycle of new reduced laptops or notebooks.

Maybe it was a good idea to point that out more clearly on our homepage?


Ritratto di jordi
Inviato da jordi il Gio, 02/04/2016 - 08:44

Hi Dirk,

Thanks very much for your reply. I very much agree with your observation and we will be adding your input into the Labdoo manuals. Thanks for your thoughts. I will let you know once we have done so.

Dirk, when replying to a wall conversation, please do so by adding a comment to the same conversation, instead of creating a new conversation. This way everyone can see your answer connected with the original conversation. Could you please copy and paste your comments above to the original CSR conversation? to do so, please try to copy your text above and then go to the original conversation here https://www.labdoo.org/content/csr-package and scroll down. You will see an area that says 'Add new comment'. Paste your conversation there and click on 'Save', this will attach your comment to the original conversation. I know you have some disabilities that makes things a bit more complex when using the computer, let us know if any questions.
