Dootrip #000001178 - from Barcelona (Spain) to Dakar (Senegal)

Punto di partenza del viaggio: 
08034 Barcelona , BA
41° 23' 18.1932" N, 2° 10' 7.0608" E
Barcelona ES
Data di partenza: 
Sabato, Gennaio 18, 2020 - 17:30
Destinazione del viaggio: 
Dakar , DA
14° 43' 0.5772" N, 17° 28' 6.5856" W
Dakar SN
Data di arrivo: 
Sabato, Gennaio 18, 2020 - 21:30
Numero di giorni durante i quali si può tenere il computer Labdoo dopo la data di arrivo: 
Numero di giorni durante i quali si può tenere il computer Labdoo prima della data di partenza: 
Numero di computers Labdoo che si possono portare: 
Numero di computer Labdoo assegnati: 
Peso totale stimato dei computers Labdoo: 
More than 7.5 Kgms (Please update the weight field in all the doojects for an accurate weight estimation)
Travel distance: 
3518 Kms
CO2 emissions savings: 
211.1 Kgms of CO2 emissions saved
My name is Matteo Vincenzi and I am volunteering at AUCOOP (University Student Association for Cooperation, of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) within the framework of a project named "Origin" carried out by OpenArms ( in Dakar and S.Louis, Senegal. Together with local organizations, OpenArms wants to be part of a positive and constructive change, working to 1. deconstruct the imaginary about migration to Europe, through information campaigns and community reflection about the alternatives; 2. create networks of collaboration and work along with the private sector to promote local employment; 3. empower the community and its young people by facilitating access to digital pedagogical tools and professional training. In order to accomplish the project's objectives, AUCOOP will provide technical support for equipping two local schools with a PC-lab where local communities can get informed and receive digital pedagogical tools. To this aim, we would need 42 laptops to be delivered half in Mbour and half in S.Louis. 6 volunteers from AUCOOP will travel from the 18/01 to the 15/02 2020 and would be the responsibles for the related dootrips.
Date it was created: 12/11/19/
Date it was last updated: 13/03/25