Dear all,
as a first result of the Labdoo conference 2018 we reorganized the directory structure of the Labdoo images. At http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/images/ you will find language specific folders as EN, FR, ES, DE etc. and therein the images for these languages. This is more logic and flexible for the future for new languages. Thanks Javier for your input.
As a result of this change some links in wikis might not work (should not happen, but might be). If you become aware of a broken images link please let me now of correct it yourself, if you are a wiki writer. Thank you.
The conference was great (at least visitors said so ;) ), but it will last a few days to go through all videos etc. I hurry :)
CU, Ralf
Labdoo.org (Germany)
Looks great Ralf.
Looks great Ralf.
> As a result of this change some links in wikis might not work (should not happen, but might be).
Just a note on this, Labdoo has an integrated link checker which allows us to detect broken links. You can use it to verify that there are no broken links. This wiki page explains how to use this tool: https://www.labdoo.org/content/detecting-and-correcting-broken-links