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The calculation for carbon footprint savings is really neat. Can you post where/how you calculated the carbon footprint savings for those metrics?


Ritratto di Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Inviato da Rhein-Ruhr-Hub il Sab, 06/27/2015 - 06:06

I can only answer part of your question from Germany, but the metrics itself were figured out from the international Labdoo team.

In German there is a study form the province Northrhine-Westphalia about the impact of recycling e-waste.

And in the German project presentation refer to page 5.

Please ask the international / US team of Labdoo for their sources, thanks.

Ritratto di jordi
Inviato da jordi il Sab, 06/27/2015 - 08:50

We have a small spreadsheet used to calculate the carbon footprint:

I believe Wendy put the original CO2 ratios but I am not sure about the source for this. Wendy do you know? we should review these numbers and provide the source reference so people know where the estimates come from.

A quick search shows some studies made by DELL showing that the Latitude E6400 has a footprint of 350 Kg CO2, whereas our calculator assumes 41. So we could as well be underestimating the footprints.

Anyone wants to take an action item to find a good reference source and review our footprint calculator? then we can adjust Labdoo source code according to the new values.