Responsibilities of a School Hub Manager


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If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.

Thank you for your interest in being the bridge between Labdoo and your school community!

As you decide to bring Labdoo to your school and help bring education to underprivileged students with repurposed laptops, please carefully read the following information, and we look forward to reviewing your Labdoo School Hub Application!

Labdoo User Account Registration: All officers need to register a Labdoo user account.

Club Officer Application Form The Club President is mandatory to fill and submit the Club Officer Application Form. We also recommend all club officers complete the form. Once your parent's hub has approved your Club Officer Application, please continue the following process.

Form A Team Please form a team, and register your club at Labdoo by submitting School Hub Information Form to your parent hub. We recommend your officers are from different grades.

Before the school year begins:

  • Work with your team to set a club goal and the plan to achieve it.
  • Email your goal and plan to your parent hub. .

During each semester

  • Attend the parent hub meetings or meet with the parent hub manager at least twice per semester.
  • Constantly remind your club members to record their service hours using the Doopoint System.

By the end of the second semester: Eelect and introduce new club officers to the parent hub before school ends.

Fundraising: Since Labdoo does not operate with money, students are not expected to do fundraising at school.
However, some schools require school clubs to participate in school fundraising events. If that's the case, the school hub has the right to decide how to apply the club funds toward club activities best.