Responsibilities when Receiving a Dootronic


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[This page is part of the 'Dootronics Welcome Package' which can be found in this page.]

Dear Laptop receiver:

We are very pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to your project by providing technology to help bridge the digital divide.
With every right comes responsibilities. Technology, when adequately used, can provide very powerful means to aid those that are most in need. But if used improperly, it can also damage our environment. By receiving the above items, you are automatically accepting to abide by the following Labdoo global responsibilities:

(1) The items received will be used only for the purpose described by your organization at the time you solicited this donation. If you intend to use it for a different purpose, you will contact first the Labdoo team at

(2) In the case that an incidence occurs to any of the received items, you will contact the Labdoo team by going to and writing on that wall your incidence, including the tagging number of the laptop(s) related to the incidence and a brief explanation. The following incidences must always be reported:

(2.1) At the end of the life of any of the received items, so that the item can be properly recycled.
(2.2) When an item breaks, malfunctions or in case there is any change in its status.

(3) Every six months, please write also a message to the wall at with the list of laptops that you have and their status (working or not working). If we do not hear from you, Labdoo won't be able to provide more educational laptops and tablets for your project.

(4) Labdoo laptops are offered for free for educational purposes. In return, you agree to not use the laptops for commercial reasons and you agree not to charge any fee for the usage of the laptops.

We thank you for your commitment to make our world a better place and we wish you the best of luck in your humanitarian mission.

The Labdoo Team.

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Start a Laptop Request

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Keyboard Layout