Edoovillage #1500 - Nepal, Kathmandu: United World Schools
6.1 Full Name(*): Surya Karki
6.2 Phone(*): +9779804033512, +18572441288
6.3 Email(*): surya@unitedworldschools.org
Capacity Development-Science and Technology in rural Nepal (The project 'Capacity Development- Science and Technology in rural Nepal' is initiated to assist in quality education to bring about transformation that is generated and sustained over time from within rural Nepal. Regarding the framework, it is based on my extensive field work in remote communities of Nepal during two years tenure (May 2017- May 2019) at the United World Schools. The project supports Sustainable Development Goal 4- Quality Education emphasizing its target 4.4 i.e., substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.)
Facebook: www.uwsnepal.org / https://www.facebook.com/teamUWSNepal/
Date it was last updated: 09/08/19