

Messaggio di stato

If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.

Link listesi, göçmenler için Almanca kursları ve Image (klonlama)

  • Mülteci Projelerine özel Image for Cloning
  • Özellikle mülteci projeleri için indirmek için Image for Cloning sağlıyoruz (minimum boyutlu sabit disk >= 120 GB). Birçok içerik, dil ve wiki önceden yüklenmiştir, böylece bilgisayarlar çevrimiçi bir bağlantı olmadan bile Almanca ve entegrasyon kursları için en uygun şekilde kullanılabilir

    CPU'lar için Ubuntu xx.04 LTS tabanlı
    64 Bit için DE-Image

Zugang zum FTP Server

Der Labdoo FTP-Server ermöglicht Anwendern Dateien frei herunterzuladen. Hier einige einfache Methoden, wie ihr euch mit dem FTP-Server verbinden könnt. Sucht euch die aus, die am besten zu euch passt.
Aus Sicherheitsgründen erlaubt Labdoo kein ungesichertes FTP-Protokoll, nur das gesicherte SFTP-Protokoll (kein ftp, nur sftp). Und seit Herbst 2023 wird aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht mehr rsync angeboten.

Connecting to the Labdoo FTP server

The Labdoo FTP server allows users to download files freely. Here are some simple methods on how you can connect to the FTP server. Choose the one that suits you best.

For security reasons, Labdoo does not allow unsecured FTP protocol, only secured SFTP protocol (no ftp, only sftp). And since fall 2023, rsync has no longer been offered for security reasons..

Note: Labdoo is not responsible for third-party software.

Download and Read the Labdoo School Hub Booklet

If you are interested in creating a Labdoo Hub at your school, the 'Labdoo School Hub Booklet' will provide you help and guidance through the process.

Alternatively, if you are a parent or a teacher and would like to pitch the idea of creating a Labdoo hub at your school, you can also find helpful information in this School Hub Booklet.

Thank you once again for collaborating with Labdoo and help spread education around the world by repurposing used computer resources.

Linkliste, Deutschkurse und Image (Cloning) speziell für Migranten

  • Spezielles Image for Cloning für Flüchtlingsprojekte
  • Speziell für Flüchtlingsprojekte stellen wir ein Image for Cloning zum Download bereit (Mindestgröße Festplatte >= 120 GB). Es sind viele Inhalte, Sprachen und Wikis vorinstalliert, sodass die Rechner auch ohne Onlineanbindung optimal für Deutsch- und Integrationskurse genutzt werden können.

    auf Basis Ubuntu xx.04 LTS
    DE-Image für 64 Bit CPUs