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Qui pot crear i gestionar una edoovillage?

La creació d'edoovillages està restringida a persones que pertanyen a un hub, voluntaris a llarg termini que saben com funcionen les coses i que puguin ajudar a la següent persona durant el procés. Funcionem d'aquesta manera, sempre hi ha diferents persones a càrrec de cada pas del procés. Algú de l'organització crea l'edoovillage i algú altre sobre el terreny és el responsable al lloc de destinació: informa sobre les necessitats i sobre la recepció dels dootrònics. És aconsellable que aquestes dues funcions les portin a terme dues persones diferents.

Who Can Create and Manage Edoovillages?

The creation of edoovillages is restricted to people who belong to a hub, long term volunteers who know how things work and help the following person in the process, this is they way we somehow work, there are allways different people in charge of every step of the process. Someone in the organization creates the edoovillage and someone else in the field is responsible at the destination: informs about the needs and about dootronics reception. It's advisable that these two roles are played by two different persons.

Managing Your Hub Notification Triggers

As a hub manager, you will have the capability to activate some triggers allowing you to automatically receive notifications upon certain events that might be of interest to your hub operations. To manage your notification triggers, click first on 'My account' to go to your account page. From there, click on the 'Edit profile' tab. This will open your profile configuration page. In that page, scroll down until you see the section 'Hub manager notifications'.

Managing Your Own Newsletters

If you want to manage your own newsletter, please send an email to and ask the Labdoo team to assign the role of 'Newsletter manager' to your account. Once this is done, you will see a new 'Newsletter' tab on the top Main Navigation Menu. By clicking on 'Newsletter' and then 'Create an issue' you will be taken to a dashboard where you can create and edit your newsletter as shown in the next figure.