Labdoo's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Package



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1. About the Labdoo CSR Package

When it comes to spreading education around the world, we can all be part of the solution, whether its by tagging or cleaning up a laptop, by contributing a trip to bring education to a school, or simply by spreading the word out to mobilize your community. There is a large variety of things (small, medium, or larger tasks) you can do to help out with our global mission.

Among all the people and organizations that are part of the global community, companies play a key role when it comes to helping those that are most in need. This package is specially designed to let companies contribute to the Labdoo cause and at the same time benefit from it as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

Two main reasons led us to the creation of the Labdoo CSR package:

  • Resources. Companies are incredibly well connected and have access to a very large pool of human and technology resources. It is often the case that a small action carried out by a company can have large effects to those who are most in need.
  • Goodwill and reputation. More and more companies are looking for ways to contribute back to the community. We as a people understand that life is not just only about revenue bottom lines, but also about community and helping each other to make the world a better place. Doing good things for the community also helps companies increase their reputation, and provides an example for others to do the same.

These two reasons provide a win-win opportunity addressed by this CSR package. By participating, companies are both doing a great contribution to the community while helping increase their goodwill reputation providing an example for others to follow.

If you are interested in participating in the Labdoo CSR program, please contact us at

2. How Does it Work

Deep into Labdoo's DNA there is the notion of finding the right task for every person and organization who participates. This is very important for one key reason: long term sustainability. A task should fit your capabilities, not too small, not too large, just the right fit. That's why we designed Project following a bottom-up approach. What does that mean? in short, it means that you get to decide what action you want to help with. There is a very simple principle behind this approach: you know your capabilities, your preferences, skills and passions better than anyone else, so you and your organization are most appropriate to make this decision.

As a result, the Labdoo CSR package is designed to be simple to understand. The package includes a list of actions you can do to help with the mission of spreading education around the world and you get to choose which ones you want to carry out. Tasks are organized into modules and depending on which module you implement, you get one of the various recognition levels: World Ambassador, World Activist or World Changer.

Our recommendation is also simple: start small, choose a simple initial task, implement it, learn from it, and if you feel you can, grow your level of contribution one step at a time.

3. CSR Modules

Companies can choose to implement one of the following three contribution modules.

3.1. World Ambassador Module. The main objective of this module is to spread the word out that Project exists and to help mobilize local communities towards the goal of moving laptops and tablets to needy schools. This is for the most part an outreaching/networking package. As a company, you are very well connected to communities such as your own employees or other companies and simply spreading the word can lead to other great contributions. There are several great things you can do to help spread the word out as part of the World Ambassador module. You will be recognized with this contribution level if you do at least one of the following tasks:

  1. Let your employees know how they can donate their unused laptops. Using your internal network, you can inform your employees how their unused laptops can potentially change the education path of a child.
  2. Let your employees know how they can contribute a dootrip. A dootrip (a Labdoo Trip) is defined as a CO2-neutral trip that someone needs to do (for business, for holidays, etc.) and that is re-purposed to carry a laptop to a destination. Inform your employees about the possibility of contributing a dootrip to bring laptops closer to a needy school.
  3. Encourage your employees to create a Labdoo hub. A Labdoo hub is a location where people can bring unused laptops and where volunteers help sanitize and install the education software following the steps in the Labdoo Sanitation Toolkit. Encourage your employees to create a hub on their own to help make the world a cleaner place while spreading education.
  4. Spread the word outside your company boundaries. You can do all the above by letting other companies (maybe you suppliers, your customers or collaborators) know about Project Labdoo. Maybe your company has a booth at a tradeshow and you might be interested in doing your CSR work by advertising the Labdoo cause from your both. It can be as simple as printing the Labdoo CSR Package Flyer and distributing it away.

The task of implementing the World Ambassador CSR module is in fact simplified because the Labdoo tools already provide most of the material you need to help spread the word out. For instance, you can freely print the Labdoo poster to help explain the movement, you can attach the Labdoo videos to your outreaching messages, you can print out the Labdoo CSR Flyer to distribute to your collaborators, or you can even create your own roll up by using the Labdoo roll up design. You can readily find all of these outreaching materials and designs in the Labdoo toolkit.

3.2. World Activist Module. The World Activist module includes the World Ambassador package plus additional contributions made directly by the company. In particular, your company will be recognized with this contribution level if one or more of the following tasks are carried out:

  1. Dootronics contribution. The company contributes more than 50 unused laptops or tablets in a year.
  2. Dootrips contribution. The company contributes more than 10 dootrips in a year.
  3. Hub contribution. The company creates a Labdoo hub as part of its community work and helps to collect and sanitize more than 10 laptops a year.

3.3. World Changer Module. The World Changer module includes the World Ambassador package plus additional contributions made directly by the company. In particular, your company will be recognized with this contribution level if one or more of the following tasks are carried out:

  1. Dootronics contribution. The company contributes more than 1000 unused laptops or tablets in a year.
  2. Dootrips contribution. The company contributes more than 100 dootrips in a year.
  3. Hub contribution. The company creates one or more Labdoo hubs as part of its community work and helps to collect and sanitize more than 100 laptops a year.

4. Other Special Contributions

Some organizations may be able to participate in Labdoo's CSR Program by contributing other resources not specified in the above packages too. This allows these organizations to better leverage their own specific capabilities, resources and know-how. Examples are organizations which can contribute other types of goods such as books, photo and video cameras, or large scale awareness campaigns, to name just a few. When an organization offering these special contributions wants to join the Labdoo's CSR Program, the application will be considered on a case by case basis. When accepted, these organizations will also be given one of the above recognition levels (world ambassador, world activist or world changer) depending on their degree of contribution.

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