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Labdoo Newsletter global |
Issue: 18 Date: 04/2018 |
Labdoo.org "Tag a laptop, spread education" |
LABDOO is a humanitarian social network joined by people around the world who want to make our planet a better place by providing those in underdeveloped regions a chance at a better education. The goal of the social network is to send unused laptops, ebook readers, tablet-PCs and any device that can be loaded with education software to needy schools around the world using colaboration and without incurring any economic or environmental costs. There is a very large number of stories taking place within the Labdoo social network (take a look at the global activity feed) and this newsletter can only capture a few of them. If your story does not show up and you feel that it is worth spreading, please send an email to contact@labdoo.org and we will make any possible effort to include it in the next issue. The Labdoo Team. ![]() |
Global Progress:
By breaking barriers to education, that's how Labdoo is making a contribution to help girls and boys around the world get an equal chance at education. Labdoo was with you too during the International Women Day.
Alinery had first created two edoovillages in India, where she is from. Now as she received a scholarship to study in London, she created the first Labdoo Hub in this wonderful city. We welcome Ali to the global team formed by more than 240 Labdoo Hubs around the world who are helping to spread education globally! Here is Ali's awe inspiring story: "Coming to the United Kingdom to do my master at the University of Sussex was a dream come true to pursue and find a better way to upgrade what I started as I pilot project to my hometown. Mangil Library is a special library project that provides offline and online Library with books and critical thinking class for students to access resources and education for marginalized students in Mizoram, the North East of India. For the first time, I was invited to the Labdoo Conference 2017 at Barcelona where I had an inspiring and breathtaking moments with other speakers and the very Labdoo family. Having created my own edovillage for the library and is still in the process of transporting the laptops almost every other week receiving one from Barcelona and sending it to India. I was so inspired by the Labdoo family from the founder, my host Elena, my friend Ousman and the students who take extra steps in running the hub and doing the crazy things! I was like what hinder me to start my own hub in London where there is such a huge potential for Dootronics. At first I had a hard time finding the local partner whom I wanted to run the hub as I would leave England when I am done with my studies, but it was unbearable for me to even wait another week. It was not until I open the hub and was joined right away by my two classmates from Brighton. We are very excited and looking forward to recieve our very first laptop in January where we will start operating as the first Labdoo Hub in England. I am sending this heartfelt thank you to the labdoo family from the bottom of my heart to bring smile and love to wherever it reaches!" You can also check the work by Labdoo Hub London from this dashboard: https://www.labdoo.org/hub?h=49742 Want to follow Ali's example and create your own hub to help spread education? reach us out at contact@labdoo.org.
At Labdoo we love diversity, no matter if your language is spoken widely around the world or only locally in a small local region, we invite all of you to put your voice and language to Labdoo's videos and platform! Volunteers from around the globe are already helping to translate the Labdoo platform to many languages, and as part of this work, we also got new voices into Labdoo's official video. In alphabetic order, this time around we got Catalan, Chinese, French, Korean and Ukranian voices in addition to all other existing translations. Check out Labdoo's cool official video in any of these languages: [In alphabetic order]
Every day at Labdoo there are images like this as we are now servicing laptops to more than 1000 schools. Your laptops are helping to change the world by enabling connectivity and access to education to many kids around the globe. We just thought of sharing one of these stories to encourage even more of you to join and help us spread the message on how much our laptops can make a difference. Nicolas donated his laptop, a Lenovo IdeaPad U450p. The laptop can be tracked from this URL: https://www.labdoo.org/content/000011011. As you can see, Nicolas' laptop reached a school in Nepal thanks to Labdoo Hub in Salzburg and travelers from Austria. And he wanted you to know he could be no happier... "Hello everyone, Edoovillage: https://www.labdoo.org/edoovillage?e=35476 Thank you Nicolas for your contribution and encouraging words and thank you to all that made this possible!
In Zurish, Switzerland, we had a very successful Labdoo Laptop Sanitation Workshop with SAP. Recently, we welcomed a small but extremely productive team of SAP employees in Oberwil-Lieli. The international group used the day as part of SAP Volunteering (Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR) to revive disused laptops for children, schools and refugees all over the world. Thanks to the outstanding introduction of Ronald Fleckenstein, the seven team members were able to give a second life to around 100 laptops for training purposes! A fabulous achievement and an excellent example of top team work that is fun and at the same time brings great benefits. Thanks to the team leader Udo Leutbecher, who made many shots during the day and made the coolest video (see next) out of it, and to everyone in Labdoo Switzerland and SAP for making this possible. If you would like to organize a meaningful event withing your company to help change the world, simply contact us at contact@labdoo.org. You will find more information about Labdoo's Social Responsibility Package for Corporations from this link: https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoos-corporate-social-responsibility-c... You can also check the work by Labdoo Hub Switzerland from this dashboard: https://www.labdoo.org/hub?h=440
Kar Geno is translated in Luo as the Center for Hope. For several years now, the organization has been seeking and providing assistance, sustainability, and hope within their community of Asembo County. I learned of this organization through a website called Moving Worlds where you can volunteer your skills to better a community of people. Raphine Muga, one of Kar Geno's founders, expressed interest in my skills as a photographer and after a few Skype meetings and some emails later, the rest was history. Right before travelling to Kenya, Raphine asked if I would be willing to travel from my home Charleston, SC all the way to Africa with two refurbished laptops generously provided by Labdoo. Unsure of their exact use and purpose, I accepted the extra weight in my carry on and made the long trek across the world. I have now been in Kenya and working with the organization for about three weeks and have seen first hand the excitement and the joy Labdoo's laptops have brought to this organization. The two laptops provided will be used to teach Asembo's young women who were not given proper education, basic computer skills, as well as connecting the children and teachers in the nearby schools with teachers and students from the United States through a program called Teachers to Teachers. Thank you so much to Labdoo for opening up this beautiful community's world. They are forever grateful for your generosity and excited for the possibilities in store for them! A story by Sloan Bragg
Every day at Labdoo there are hundreds of truly inspiring stories occurring around the world. We believe these are stories that the world should know about, and so we put them in a book so you can read and be inspired too. The stories in this book are all real. They come from girls, boys, women and men, who endured an incredible journey to attain an education for themselves or helped many others reach the same goal. We dedicate it to all of them, for their hard work to help spread education, and to all the volunteers around the world who make the Labdoo Project possible. [Download the last edition of the Labdoo Stories Book from this link in PDF format] All these stories are linked to Labdoo edoovillages and hubs and so they can also be reached from within the Labdoo platform by going to this link. And don't forget, if you know of any story related to education worth spreading, reach us out at contact@labdoo.org. Enjoy!
Just a few years ago, the young Eduard Lucas and some of his student classmates created a Labdoo Hub at the High School Aula Escola Europea, in Barcelona. Their team did an amazing job while they were students in Aula, collecting more than 100 laptops and deploying them to more than 15 schools in places like India, Morocco, Uganda, Brazil, or Burkina Faso, among others. (Check out their Labdoo Hub at high school Aula dashboard from here.) After graduation, Eduard moved to California, to study at the University Cal Poly Pomona. Inspired by the amazing work they had achieved with their Labdoo school hub in Barcelona, Eduard with the help of his new classmated decided to plant another seed in California by creating the first Labdoo Hub at Cal Poly. Their new hub is already sanitizing unused laptops and has already made contributions to schools in Cameroon, Myanmar, Uganda, Mexico and Nigeria. If you live in the area don't forget to drop by and contribute your unused laptops! You will find their address in the following link. Congratulations to Eduard and his classmates both in Barcelona and California for this great journey. This is what the Labdoo team in Cal Poly Pomona (CPP Labdoo) shares with all of you: "CPP Labdoo is one of the 200+ existing Labdoo hubs. Our main goal is to bring the Labdoo project to Cal Poly Pomona. Our current team is made up of 14 students, majoring in many different disciplines, from Marketing, to Graphic Design or Computer Science. By becoming a university club, CPP Labdoo can easily be advertised around campus in order to spread the word about our compromise with fighting the digital divide. Together we help spreading the word about our laptop collection and sanitizing events. The purpose of CPP Labdoo goes beyond this point. CPP Labdoo provides its members a set of computer-related skills in order to be able to successfully install a whole new operating system to a portable electronic device. In order to provide these kind of skills, CPP Labdoo hosts different workshops throughout the quarter in which these skills will be taught. Finally, CPP Labdoo is also used as a networking club on campus in which CPP students will be able to link with other CPP students interested in technology and in helping the world become a better place."
Project Labdoo is servicing educational laptops to a very large number of schools around the world, each one with a unique story. So while it's not viable to include them all here, we like to share one or two of them. If an image is worth a thousand words, check out this video which may say it all! School project in Cambodia carried out from Labdoo Germany:
Vilafranca del Penedes has implemented Labdoo for Cities, a workflow that allows local citizens, public libraries, schools, and the Town Hall to join the Labdoo mission by collaboratively recovering unused laptops and making them ready for needy schools. Here is a message from students in one of the local schools part of Labdoo for Cities program describing their inspiring work! "We are the Labdoo School Hub located at the Vedruna Sant Elies School in Vilafranca del Penedès (http://www.vedrunasantelies.cat/contingut.php?id=116&cont=12). We started 3 years ago because from the beginning the project thrilled us and we saw that the students were really eager and motivated. We must say that we have had Ferran and Carles right by our side from the start and this has been key to being able to do a good job. At present different students from 12 to 16 years of our school perform the so-called Sanitation Workshops. Laptops arrive to our Hub from individuals or companies, these are laptops that have fallen into disuse. Our goal is to give them a second life and provide them with useful software for educational work. Our work is divided into 3 parts. The first is called SANITATION and in it we clean the computers and install the free software called Edubuntu full of educational applications. The second step receives the name TAGGING where we register the devices within our Labdoo website, publicly starting the process. And the third step is called STORAGE consisting in labeling and storing the devices carefully and having them ready to be picked up by the volunteer travelers who take them to the destination schools in many countries around the world. Currently healthy computers from our school have come to countries such as India, Morocco, Senegal, Thailand, Greece and Uganda to name a few. We are fortunate to have met the project at school. Not too long ago TV reporters even came to film our work and we were on National TV! We also participated at the Labdoo Conference and helped create other hubs near our home town by presenting our work in other libraries. Students learn, feel useful, become better persons and ultimately feel part of this great family called Labdoo. Students of the Labdoo Hub in Vedruna School, Vilafranca del Penedes"
The 2017 Labdoo Conference hosted in Barcelona was once again a great success. Inspiring activists from around the world joined together to present their amazing projects and discuss today's most important challenges when it comes to bringing education to those most in need. In 2018 the Labdoo Global Conference will be hosted in Duisburg, Germany. Save the date (Conference Day Sat. November 24th; Workshop Day Sun., November 25th, 2018). Stay tuned as we will soon announce the program and open the online registration site. We look forward to seeing you all again for more exciting discussions and to continue sharing more good times together! Check out last conference pictures from this link.
Got a laptop donated, but parts are broken or missing? that may no longer be an issue. The Labdoo Hub in Rhein-Ruhr, Germany, has implemented a really cool workflow which involves printing broken laptop parts using a 3D printer. This makes possible repairing laptops that in the past had to be thrown away for lack of such components, extending even longer their lifetime. Labdoo Hub Rhein-Ruhr has put together a user's guide to help anyone replicate this workflow so you can also print broken or missing computer parts to help extend their life. You can download the latest revision of this guide from the following link: Labdoo 3D Printing Guide: Best Practices on Sustainable Computer Repairs Want to learn more about 3D printing on a real hands on workshop? We will be explaining the process in detail during the technical workshops hosted at the Labdoo Global Cconference to be celebrated in Duisburg on 24/25 of November, 2018. Stay tuned on the Labdoo.org website as we are about to open the conference registration page. Happy 3D printing! |