I wanted to ask the community about two applications that used to be in the previous images and that aren't installed with the Linux Mint (or, maybe, I haven't found them):
There was an application that allowed us to test the internal camera that usually come with the laptops. The same application should permit the students to use it. In the new versions I haven’t found any, so I’m installing the application Guvcview. Should I remove the application after checking the camera?
In the previous version there was also the Filezilla application. Sometimes I used it to download the kiwix / wiki files after installing the basic image. Again, I’m installing Filezilla in order to download the files. Should I remove the application afterwards?
Thank you in advance for your kind answer,
Josep M
Hi Josep,
Hi Josep,
thank you for this valuable feedback. As you know, Labdoo is using Linux Mint 22 on base of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS since this summer and the Mint distro choose, added or dropped some programs, which our team was used to. Our Linux Mint based images are ca. 1+ GB smaller than before, so some parts were cut off by Mint.
As you requested, the images will come in a few weeks with pre-installed Clonezilla and Guvcview, may-be also cheese. It will last a while because aside of the images also wikis, scripts etc. are effected.
In the meantime, you can help yourself as you wrote above. It is not necessary to remove the programs you installed.
If you find other programs or tools missing, please let me know. If a wish to modify our images is not too specific, but of general interest and not taking too much disk capacity, it should be possible.
Ralf, Labdoo.org (Germany)
The requested programs
The requested programs FileZilla and Guvcview as well as Cheese are now part of all images for Cloning (upload date 09.11.2024 or later). An entry for each tool was added to the wikis and PDF manuals in DE, EN, ES and FR (other languages might follow later).