Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Program



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When a dootronic is deployed at a school and a mini-mission is accomplished, is the Labdoo effort completed? as you probably guess, the answer is no. Labdoo's goal is to deliver laptops loaded with education to schools but also to ensure that all laptops, once they no longer work, are properly recycled to make a more a sustainable world, and many things can happen between the deployment and recycling time that could still require Labdoo's aid.

One of the big things we try to accomplish after a dootronic is deployed at a school is to ensure that it continues to run as healthy as possible to maximize its lifespan until it is time to recycle it. This effort is made possible thanks to the Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Team, a program run by Labdoo volunteers from around the world who provide online help to students, teachers and staff members of edoovillages in resolving their dootronic (laptops, tablets, ebooks, etc.) related technical questions.

If we were a company selling laptops, the Labdoo Global Support Program would be what people in the business world commonly refer as "After-Sales Support". Labdoo is however not a company, but a humanitarian social project. Not only that, as you know, Labdoo does not accept monetary donations and does not use money to run its logistical system, so we can't rely on the traditional business approach to support laptops deployed in the field. Instead, we apply once again the same strategy we use to solve every challenge we encounter along our way: global collaboration and distributed technology. Labdoo's Global Support Program works by collecting drops of goodwill from everywhere in the planet united to help resolve technical questions that may arise to users located in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. In a nutshell, LGS provides a wall-like interface that allows students, teachers and staff members of the schools that receive laptops to write their technical questions. On that wall, Labdooers distributed across the planet help resolve the posted questions. Since Labdoo has physical presence in the five continents, the end result is a 24/7/365 (all days of the year) interactive online system that provides both technical support to people from the schools while at the same time it helps to continue to grow the global pool of knowledge (knowledgebase).

This wiki describes how the LGS Program works.

Continue reading under this section:
The LGS Workflow

Labdoo Global Support Sheet

What if I Want to be Part of the LGS Team

What if I want to Receive Aid from the LGS Support Team