Hi Jordi,
actually the dootrip dashboard is sorted by default by the dootrip number (sequence of creating the dootrips). But the date (time of departure) is more important, as this defines a dead-line and the sequence of work to be done.
First thing I do each day is to add the column "departure" and to sort by this departure date (most future date on top). Please check if this view could be used as default view?
For my daily work I also filter for dootrips leaving from Germany. Then I have a perfect task list to see the open dootrip to be delivered laptops to.
I am also thinking about a new status like "fully loaded" to use it as filter criteria, e.g. if the number of dootronics to be carried AND (number of dootronics in transit OR number transported) are identical. Then this dootrip is fully equipped and no additional laptop has to be assigned to it.
This is not so important. As the above list shows pending and already fully equipped dootrips I have to search for those dootrips with no or not enough laptops assigned to. This last wish only comes up when you are supporting a larger number of dootrips, so I can live with the status as it is, if none else has this need as well. But the default view would make work easier.
Thanks, Ralf
Hub Rhein-Ruhr (Germany)
Hi Ralf,
Hi Ralf,
I agree this is a very useful feature. I have implemented the default ordering based on the departure date of the dootrip, could you please check if this is what you wanted?
Are there any other dashboards that you think we should change the default ordering besides the dootrips dashboard?
Regarding the second feature for the "fully loaded" flag, this can be done but i am working on other coding tasks so it seems this one is a little bit lower priority and can work on it after other higher priority tasks are completed. Just to be sure, what you want is a column that computes the number "Capacity" minus "In Transit" minus "Transported". If this number is zero or negative, then the flag "fully loaded" is set to TRUE. Correct?
Thanks, dashboard view works well
Hi Jordi,
yes, dashboard view for dootrips is exactly what I thought of :) Perfect.
Yes. the loaded flag is not urgent. And yes, this way of calculation should work.
Thanks, Ralf