devices types? improved search option?



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Feature request

Hi Jordi,

This is just a request, but I recommend it as it would make the portal more flexible in the future.

The requests of edoovillages become more complex. When in the beginning only x laptops were requested, they now ask for x laptops, y tablets and z reader. But the portal does only offer to search for open or closed projects, not for open projects, where all laptops were delivered, but still tablets were needed. I used a free text entry for a while, but this it not satisfying :(

As I guess this wish causes deeper changes in data model and software I try to explain as detailed as possible the need. In case of any question please contact me, thanks.

Tagging a device

Device type: Actually 15 various types are offered in the pull down menu, when tagging a device. The data model / names don't seem logical to me. There are

  • laptop (ok)
  • desktop (on)
  • Internet tablet (why not "tablet" as type and Internet or Android as attribute of tablet?)
  • Android tablet (as above, should be dropped, Android is an attribute of tablet)
  • iPad (drop, attribute of tablet)
  • eBook (ok)
  • Smartphone (ok)
  • Android Phone (drop, attribute)
  • iPhone (drop, attribute)
  • BlackBerry (drop, attribute)
  • Do-It-Yourself Devices (ok)
  • Arduino (drop, attribute of DIY device)
  • Rasberry Pi (drop, attribute of DIY device)

So there would be laptops, desktops, tablets, ebook reader, Smartphone and DIY devices, maybe in the future more. These device types should match with the request sheet, database and portal (GUI). I added a picture to explain my view on the data model and avoid misunderstanding.
Migrating the dootronics types into a new structure should be possible :)

Edoovillage (request etc.)

Actually the edoovillage allows only to enter the total number of all devices, not making a difference according to device type(s). But that would be helpful. Migrating from the actual model to a new one you can look at all numbers and devices as laptops. I stored in the text entry, what an edoovillage asked exactly. So each edoovillage should be touched manually ... :(

Please think about an improved user interface and data model, e.g. to offer entries for number of requested units and types:

no. device type attribute (optional, maybe leave it)
xxx laptops
yyy tablets
zzz eBook Reader
(that matches with our request sheet)
optional you can add 2-3(?) lines more, e.g. to select Smartphone or DIY devices?

The other types / attributes were already there when I joined Labdoo 2012. I never understood why it was used. If you still need it, you can offer a 3rd column to define it. But as Labdoo gets donations and we cannot say in advance, which devices we get, I never had a situation that a scholl asked for iPads (only tablets, does not matter which). But keep it, if there are certain needs...

"Number of devices needed" can show the total of all devices, also the diagram should stay unchanged; we should not have a column for each type etc; that would be too much...

Search option

How about adding a new search option (not only edoovillage open or completed), but a way to search for a project still needing tablets (even other devices types are fulfilled). That would help a lot and make it perfect.

Hope I could explain it so it is understandable.

Thanks, Ralf



Obrazek użytkownika jordi
Wysłane przez jordi w pt., 04/14/2017 - 16:25

Hi Ralf, thank you for this valuable input. Your descriptions are very clear. The current workflow is somewhat laptop centric because we started Labdoo focusing on laptops. But as we start to collect more and more tablets and other devices your proposed workflow makes sense. This will take some rework but I will try to do it and I will let you know once ready. Thank you.