Edoovillage #1815 - Spain, Sant Cugat del Vallès: Escola Joan Maragall COVID-19-CAT



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Edoovillage #1815 - Spain, Sant Cugat del Vallès: Escola Joan Maragall COVID-19-CAT


Sant Cugat del Vallès
Passeig de la Creu, 1-5
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès , BA
41° 28' 25.68" N, 2° 4' 45.84" E
Barcelona ES
Coordinating hub(s): 
Project title: 
Escola Joan Maragall COVID-19-CAT
Number of teachers: 
Number of students: 
On-site point of contact: 

Rubén Palma Ruiz
6.2 Telèfon (*): 680790585
6.3 Correu electrònic (*): rpalma@xtec.cat
6.4 Adreça física de l'organització (carrer, ciutat , codi postal, país ...) (*): passeig de la
Creu 1-5

Coordenades GPS 6,5 (feu clic a l’enllaç per trobar les coordenades: https://www.gps-
coordinates.net o https://support.google.com/maps / answer / 18539) (*): latitud 41,4738

Longitut 2,0794

Project description: 

Volem ser escola receptora i poder arribar amb els dispositius a l’alumnat que més ho necessiti. Aquest projecte, és important per nosaltres ja que es tracta d’un projecte transparent i sense ànim de lucre. En identifiquem molt en la reutilització de recursos i intentar tenir un món més sostenible.

Project application: 
Yellow: first dootronics can be sent
Number of dootronics needed: 
Dootronics additional notes: 
26 ordinadors i 7 tablets + 4
Local language(s): 
Socket voltage: 
220-240 Volts
Internet connection type: 
Wired or Wireless
Date it was created: 08/07/20/
Date it was last updated: 30/11/20


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Dootronic ID Państwo Status Model Serial number Weight
000022711 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo thinkcentre acq 51w7999 5.00Kgms
000022712 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo thinkcentre acq S1351x 5.00Kgms
000022713 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo thinkcentre acq S1351y 5.00Kgms
000023916 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Gt p3110 jdq39.p3110xxdne1
000024098 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used DELL Vostro 1710 2PNZW3J 3.20Kgms
000024235 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used SONY Vaio VGN-T211XN_13 28203666-50000968 1.50Kgms
000024294 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite A80-135 AB0E-04C00JSP (parcialment visible) 2.70Kgms
000025982 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX001301 0.60Kgms
000025993 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX012378 0.60Kgms
000026006 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX012331 0.60Kgms
000026032 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009162 0.60Kgms
000026033 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J4MSCX000156 0.60Kgms
000026034 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX001338 0.60Kgms
000026035 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX008995 0.60Kgms
000026036 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J4MSCX000200 0.60Kgms
000026037 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009029 0.60Kgms
000026038 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX001317 0.60Kgms
000026039 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX003314 0.60Kgms
000026040 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009064 0.60Kgms
000026041 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX008992 0.60Kgms
000026042 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009057 0.60Kgms
000026043 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009000 0.60Kgms
000026044 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX012311 0.60Kgms
000026045 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009040 0.60Kgms
000026046 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz H9MSCX002845 0.60Kgms
000026047 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX012305 0.60Kgms
000026048 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX008989 0.60Kgms
000026050 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX003317 0.60Kgms
000026051 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX001323 0.60Kgms
000026052 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009089 0.60Kgms
000026053 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX003321 0.60Kgms
000026054 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J4MSCX000107 0.60Kgms
000026057 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J3MSCX012373 0.60Kgms
000026058 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009069 0.60Kgms
000026059 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX009181 0.60Kgms
000026060 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX003325 0.60Kgms
000026061 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Chromebox CN62 2 G223 i3-5010U CPU@2.1GHz J2MSCX003293 0.60Kgms


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