Installation of modules | Labdoo local installation



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Hi Jordi,
could you please point me to the correct folder to install modules?
It seems that the modules are installed in multiple folders. I guess for testing and for production?! Where do I have to put new modules (manuall or with commandline/drush)?
I first tried to install them via the admin dashboard.
But I wasn't sure what credentials to enter there and the drupal admin one did not work as well as the preset localhost/21 ( I guess it should be and 80?).
I would prefer to install them with drush, unless you tell me otherwise :)



Obrazek użytkownika lisabell
Wysłane przez lisabell w wt., 10/31/2017 - 14:27

I did put a module here: /var/chroot/lbd/var/www/lbd/sites/all/modules
It is now appearing in the modules dashboard. It seems to be enough for me testing around.
Would that be sufficient if I would like to add it to the live version?
I will add that to the documentation later.
(I have a list of what I think would be good to document, I will send you that list at the end of the process :))

Obrazek użytkownika lisabell
Wysłane przez lisabell w śr., 11/01/2017 - 16:10

Thank you Jordi.
I did have a look at the previous version of that page before but I could not find what I was looking for.
Now, I can, thank you. :)