Am a professional, volunteer teacher at Mother Care Primary School Mityana-Uganda. Besides that, am a farmer who works tirelesslyin my free time after school to reach my basic needs. I studied the teaching profession to help our children on streets, the children in poor homes, the disadvantaged, the orphaned and the abondoned to get education for their bright future and building good citizens.Mother Care is such a community (village) school project which helps the children from 3years and above...If there's any who would like to join hands with us, we promise him/her a warmly welcome to work hand in hand with us, volunteer with us, sponsor our children upto higher levels of education, and donate for us.
Mother Care Primary School Mityana-Uganda
Email: walusimbivicente@gmail.com
Email: stuartmuganzi@yahoo.com
Postal address: P.O Box 186, Mityana Uganda
Website: http://www.mothercareschoolmityana.com
Phone: +256779035627
Phone: +256787109907
May the good Lord give you peace as you join us, as you help our kids and as you wish good to us from any country you are..." Mother Care, a heart for children, a home of glory"
Favourite Quotes
Be known by good work, a commitment to excellence.