Is there any trick to quickly get the specifications form a laptop?
I heard some volunteers keep a script in the labtix pendrive which returns this info very easily to help tag them
Is there any trick to quickly get the specifications form a laptop?
I heard some volunteers keep a script in the labtix pendrive which returns this info very easily to help tag them
I'm using a script I created
I'm using a script I created to get the techincal specs easily.
I have attached the script in this comment.
I have created the folder "scripts" in my Labtix USB drive. There, I have this scripts (names "get_info.sh").
Once Labdoo is installed in the laptop, I plug the USB drive, open a terminal, and execute:
sudo sh /media/labdoo/ANTIXLIVE/scripts/get_info.sh
It will execute some commands to display the technical specifications of the computer.
Hope this helps!
I'm having problems attaching
I'm having problems attaching the script file, so this is the code:
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Product Name:"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
dmidecode -t system | grep "Family"
dmidecode -t system | grep "Product Name"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Serial number:"
dmidecode -t system | grep Serial
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "CPU speed:"
dmidecode -t processor | grep "Current Speed"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Number of cores:"
dmidecode -t processor | grep "Core Count"
dmidecode -t processor | grep "Version"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Memory:"
echo "* from meminfo:"
awk '$3=="kB"{$2=$2/1024;$3="MB"} 1' /proc/meminfo | column -t | grep MemTotal
echo "* from dmidecode:"
dmidecode -t 17 | grep "Size.*MB"
#| awk '{s+=$2} END {print s / 1024 "GB"}'
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "Disk space:"
parted /dev/sda print | grep "/dev/sda"
I am answering for Thomsen, one of the Labtix developer of Labdoo (Germany):
There are several ways to get information about donated hardware:
The "5" indicates the verbosity level of the output from inxi, the maximum level is "7"
The information you can get is specified by the manufacturer, so on different devices you might get acces to different informations. So it is useless to make a script for that.
The interesting information is in the second line ( 32_Bit , 64_Bit ) and the lines "sockets" and "Cores per Socket". You have to multeply this both values to get the amount of cores in the cpu. The "CPU"-Line represents the threads the cpu can handle, not the amout of cores !
sudo dmidecode
It gives a very deep view inside the hardware, but like inxi it depends on the information the manufacturer puts into the BIOS/UEFI/Firmware.
best regards
PS: A line is missing at 2.
PS: A line is missing at 2. Type in the terminal
sudo inxi -v 5
.Sorry, once submitted a post cannot be changed :(
Thanks Marcos and Ralf for
Thanks Marcos and Ralf for the complete and rapid response! Very handy!
Hello Marcos,
Hello Marcos,
In the autodeploy script included in Labtix I use the following commands:
(you can see it in the GitHub project https://github.com/jprisab/labdoo_labtix/blob/master/autodeploy_18.sh and contribute to it ;)
# PART6: Since the deletion is going to start and give you some time, gather the parameters, in case you want to copy down
#Javier: Collect and show some info, to make the wait a bit shorter :)
no_of_CPU_cores=`lscpu | grep -m 1 "CPU(s)" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'`
CPU_freq_max_MHz=`lscpu | grep -m 1 "MHz:" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}'`
DISK_size_Gb=`lsblk -b --output SIZE -n -d /dev/$target_disk`
DISK_size_Gb=$((DISK_size_Gb / 1000000000))
MEM_size_Mb=`free mem | grep -m 1 "Mem:" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'`
MEM_size_Mb=$((MEM_size_Mb / 1000))
SERNUM=`dmidecode -s system-serial-number`
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo " These are the current values, you might want to write them down"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "Nr of CPU cores: $no_of_CPU_cores"
echo "CPU max Freq: $CPU_freq_max_MHz [MHz]"
echo "HD Size: $DISK_size_Gb [Gb]"
echo "MEM_size_Mb: $MEM_size_Mb [Mb]"
echo "Serial Number: $SERNUM"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"