Tanzania, Engaruka: Continous support to Tanzania computer lab built by the Tanzania Educational Volunteer Group
Tanzania Educational Volunteer Group has executed 5years. So far, we have built up 3 computer classrooms. Besides, we also prepare computer class for the teachers and students. We teach them from hardware knowledge to Internet so that they will be able to manage a computer classroom and learn from the Internet by themselves. In the 5th year, we are going to recruit more computers to help the local 3 schools to build up their computer classroom. But some of the schools do not have stable electricity all the time. We would like to change PC into laptops to solve this problem.
Status: Completed. 4 Labdoo laptops shipped with Tanzania Educational Volunteer Group's Cargo in the end of March and 16 new laptops were donated by a local company.
Date it was last updated: 31/05/15