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Labdoo Catalonia
Intento arrencar un Acer Aspire one des del Pendrive i no puc passar de les pantalles que mostro en les fotografies que adjunto.
Alguna idea per desencallar?
La teva pregunta em va fer pensar que no havia donat encara l'ordre d'instal·lar la imatge i que, per tant, podria ser problema del pendrive. Avui he n'he creat un de nou i ha funcionat. Moltes gràcies
Vull canviar l'ordre del Boot perquè arrenqui des del disc dur, un cop ja he esborrat el disc i la imatge. He aconseguit accedir a la bios, però no hi ha manera de trobar l'opció adequada. Adjunto la foto de la pantalla.
Labdoo Global Support (LGS)
Si detectáis que el arranque de un portátil con labdoo es muy lento, aquí describo una posible razón y la solución asociada.
Para comprobar si éste es el error, abrir un terminal y ejecutar:
cat /var/log/syslog | grep drm_kms_ | grep timed
Si aparecen errores "drm_kms_helper", seguir las instrucciones más abajo. Por ejemplo:
Apr 26 20:41:58...
Si me conecto pero no puedo abrir otra página con Google para poder bajar aplicación classroom o meet para conectarse profesorado
Anna Ventura +34611192593
I'm using the only USB port to boot Labtix with a pendrive and I can't disconnect this pendrive to get my restoring images. Also, the Wi-Fi device doesn't work, so I can't transfer or download it either.
Software Development
i feel that we create an unnecessary volume of wasted paper if we print just one tag of one laptop on one page.
this might not be a challenge for individual taggers but for hubs who tag and sanitize many laptops it is a waste of time, paper and hence precious resources.
my suggestion is to add some type of functionality where one can either enter manually all the tag numbers of...
Coffee Shop
After clean hard disc show red messaje "t'he directory /home/partimage/ES for t'he imputed name dies not exist".
When I oppen directory hard disc there us an error missatge." Mount/seva/Ada....finished whith error....Undevil:error 64. Unable to determinate decile fstype specify with -t"
I've repeate clean, try other PAE versión , try diferent possibilités for instalación (antrix. Save mode...
Can anybody tell me if this tablet can be sanitized for labdoo purpuses?
Sanitize Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G GT-P7500 16GB
Otherwise i understand we can just do a factory reset and send it as is, right?
Is it gonna be good enough to navigate internet or will it be ok for any other function?
Thanks a lot
As you might have noticed, Labdoo (Germany) merged their Facebook page with the international Facebook page Within this Facebook page you will find a sub-group of Labdoo (Germany) Join this group, if you don't want to miss any information, event or post related to Labdoo (Germany). So we want to use the time of our...
Labdoo D A CH
As you might have noticed, Labdoo (Germany) merged their Facebook page with the international Facebook page Within this Facebook page you will find a sub-group of Labdoo (Germany) Join this group, if you don't want to miss any information, event or post related to Labdoo (Germany). So we want to use the time of our...