Edoovillage #1034 - Uganda, Kalangala: Bbanga school in Uganda/Kalangala (Library and School)



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Edoovillage #1034 - Uganda, Kalangala: Bbanga school in Uganda/Kalangala (Library and School)


Kalangala Kalangala , KAL
0° 18' 58.4316" S, 32° 17' 47.67" E
Kalangala UG
Thank you note: 

ein kurze Danksagung von unserem Co-Founder in Uganda:

"It's almost one year since Labdoo was introduced and integrated in our Bbanga Project work. In Uganda, especially in the context of fishing communities, which are optenly characterised with limitated and poor educative materials. Bbanga Project is among the key non governmental organisations that provide free access to quality and formal education to children in the Islands. Labdoo has helped children in Ssese islands to have access to computers, conduct individual revisions and self tuitoring as they watch these educative videos on the laptops.

Our sponsored children and other random children whom we visit in their homes, have expressed great love in this free offline , reliable, visual and audio resource. Annet, our community link person has continuously reported an increase in both the number of children who come to read books at our office and in our community outreaches as a result of Ladboo. In addition, this learning and self tutoring resource offers an in-depth explanations about different topics and in so doing our children and the entire community have greatly improved both in academics and general knowledge.

We run Labdoo sessions every day in the afternoons. Annet, always moves with the Labdoo laptops to the community so that pre-primary children, who finish their school classes at 1pm can benefit from this educative program. Also, we conduct weekends Labdoo sessions at our office for both primary and secondary students. Our children, especially the 4-6 years old, happily enjoyed the wide variety of games especially the "Tux game ", also given the poorly stocked libraries in Uganda, our secondary students got a chance to read and learn from Labdoo.
Thank you."

Of cause this Thank you means first of all the people who make a Laptop donation.

Project title: 
Bbanga school in Uganda/Kalangala (Library and School)
Number of teachers: 
Number of students: 
On-site point of contact: 

Your Name: Hassan Hayatbakhsh (founder) & Milan Amini (PR work)
Your Email Address: presse@bbanga project.org office@bbanga-project.org
Your Organization : Bbanga Project
Organization Website: www.bbanga-project.org

4.1. Name: Hassan Hayatbakhsh & Milan Amini
4.2. Phone: 0043/6769312744 (Hassan Hayatbakhsh)
4.3. Email: presse@bbanga-project.org / office@bbanga-project.org
4.4. Physical address (street, city, zip code, country...): Leystraße 19-21/4/3 1200 Vienna

Project description: 

- Currently we are taking care of 35 godchildren, who are being supported not only with the schoolfees
but also with the extra costs which occur while their schooling. The donations defray the costs of their
school uniforms, school stuff, 1-3 warm meals a day and other important things. So their parents are
being relieved while sending their kids to school.
- Our mobile library with almost 2000 books now is provided to a few established schools, to give those
kids an understanding of reading. Annet is responsible for them and is going from school to school.
- Recently we have bought a vehicle and organized a driver for our kids who are living very far from
school. So they can attend their classes in time and more secure.
- Our near future plans are to build an all-day school in Kalangala.

Some Additional information in German:
(During building our own school Bbanga supports schools via mobile IT education. ... )
Von Tirol/Wien/Salzburg, Austria zu Kindern in Uganda, per Flugpaten von @Bbanga Project :) Und Laptopspenden aus Austria helfen in @Kalangala!
Vielen Dank, dass wir per Video teilhaben dürfen:
"Hier sind einige Videos und Fotos mit unseren nun 6 Laptops vor Ort in Kalangala/Uganda. Wir haben neben dem Unterricht von Kindern auch mit dem der Erwachsenen angefangen.
Gestern haben wir drei Lehrerinnen einer Primary School eingeschult und weitere folgen demnächst. Die Kids sind gerade im Bbanga Office und haben auch ihre IT-Session. Vielen Dank für die gespendeten Lapis. Weitere folgen demnächst und bald können wir auch in anderen Schulen so etwas wie einen mobile IT-Kurs anbieten, bis unsere eigene Schule bald steht."

Video from Bbanga Uganda
Additional videos from different schools and countries all donated from YOU and installed+delivered by Labdoo.

Green: the rest of the dootronics can be sent
Number of dootronics needed: 
Local language(s): 
Socket voltage: 
220-240 Volts
Socket type: 
Internet connection type: 
Date it was created: 26/10/17/
Date it was last updated: 27/04/19


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Dootronic ID Страна Статус Model Serial number Weight
000011715 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used HP ProBook 6570b 5CB3350QGF 3.00Kgms
000011716 Uganda [S6] Recycled HP ProBook 6570b 5CB3350R2H 3.00Kgms
000012845 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compac CQ58-250SG 5CB2431P5X 2.50Kgms
000012914 Uganda [S6] Recycled HPPavilion dv3 CND00802XD 2.50Kgms
000015293 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo B50-45 Name: 80F0 CB32566106
000015513 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo B50-45 Name: 80F0 CB32569814
000017506 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH004922
000017507 Uganda [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo Mobile D9500 YKBX039176
000017509 Uganda [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH004923
000017510 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH010998
000017511 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH010996
000017581 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo Mobile D9500 YKBX039181
000017582 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH004921
000017583 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH011007
000017584 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S26391 DSBW003509
000017585 Uganda [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Fujitsu Siemens Liefbook E8420 YKLH011003
000017586 Uganda [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8420 YKLH011005
000017587 Uganda [S6] Recycled Fujitsu Siemens ESPRIMO Mobile D9500 YKBX039177
000017590 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S751 DSBW003514
000017591 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S751 DSBW003510
000017959 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens LIFEBOOK S751 DSBW003508
000017960 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens LIFEBOOK H710 DSCF010082
000017961 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu CELSIUS H700 YL4C015739
000017962 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens LIFEBOOK E8420 YKLH004926
000017963 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens LIFEBOOK S751 DSBW003515
000017964 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu Siemens LIFEBOOK S751 DSBW003506
000019404 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF10A9ATE70
000019405 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF10A9ATOGP
000019406 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DC0VTBTB
000019407 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DC040QKJ
000019408 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DCOC1M20LT
000019409 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DCOC1M20LT
000019410 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF20C04OT1X
000019411 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DC0VTALV
000019412 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF2DC04OQOD
000019413 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF1DA9A5YYF
000019848 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF1DADATCDA
000020498 Uganda [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 RF1DASAT4YV


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