Edoovillage #1427 - Kenya, Kahawa: FRED KISEREM EPILEPTIC FOUNDATION
Thank you video messages from the students of the Edoovillage and a Japanese volunteer from California State University in the US. Video-1 & Video-2. The first two donated laptops came from New York City, thank you everyone involved in this action!
Go to photo albums to see the rest of the photos from Edoovillage!
6.1 Full Name(*): Fred Kiserem
6.2 Phone(*): +254708811147
6.3 Email(*): ksepilepsy@gmail.com
6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(*): 8919-00100 leah’s plaza opposite Mwihoko primary school Kilonzo stage
Our organization deals with creating awareness and empowering people that have epilepsy and mental health and in Kenya most people are still ignorant about epilepsy the laptops will help us in doing research on epilepsy awareness and mental health and it would also help the office do some work.
FACEBOOK https://web.facebook.com/KiseremEpilepsyAwarenessFoundation
WEBSITE IS https://epcona.wixsite.com/kiseremfoundation?fbclid=IwAR3vXSg9b1EaIgfsVG...
Date it was last updated: 29/08/19