Overview Educational Content



If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.

This page provides an overview of the Open Educational Resoures (OER) usually included in a Labdoo laptop. You can download all the content described below from the Labdoo FTP service: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/ or find it on a previously cloned Labdoo computer at /home/labdoo/Public/wikis or in the folder /home/labdoo/Public/xowa/wiki.

Links to content in several languages: English, Spanish, French, German/Deutsch, Arabic, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesian, Nepale, Portuguese, Kiswahili/Swahili.

Most educational content was taken from different sources in the web. Depending on the language and size of the disk drive, you will be able to choose and install the best fitting image for cloning.


  • Create a folder if you haven't, according to the language(s) you need, e.g., /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/EN for English and so on
  • Download the index file from and into the language folder you are working on, e.g., /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/EN/index-en.html
  • Open this index file in a tab using the browser of your choice, e.g., Firefox, and save the tabs in its settings, so someone can open it and show it to the edoovillage's students when starting the browser.

Download archive(s) and unzip to content folder

  • Download and unzip the archive(s) to the folder /Public/wikis/xx (xx = language code, e.g., EN, DE, FR, ES etc.) with the user: Labdoo. You can download the archive(s) you need by right clicking and selecting "Unpack to"
  • Unpack and delete the archive once it is unzipped.
  • If you run several installations please save the archives on a local server or external USB drive, so you do not have to download each file again every time.

Index file(s) for an easier access
Labdoo prepared an index file for each language. You will find them in each language folder on our FTP server. Copy them to the local language folder on your laptop and the folder "Public".

Due to the amount of content, you have to preselect the content you are about to install and maybe discuss with the school or project partner which content suits best. Another option is to copy the archives to an external device and, after the traveler/dootripper takes it to the school, they can decide in situ which content suits them best.

Wiki/Content folder http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive

Use program ... to access content (symbols in the tables below)
content access via Firefox browser. Download more content here http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/
content access via Kiwix tool (since end of 2020). Within Kiwix you can download more wikis. Mind your disk size :) https://library.kiwix.org
content access via Kolibri tool (preinstalled since 2021; Kolibri settings and downloads by user)
content access via Xowa tool (til autumn 2020)

Spread content from Kiwix to tablets or mobile phones in the same network in 3 steps

1. Start the local kiwix server 2. Start the local kiwix server 3. Use IP address to connect tablets or phones

Resources for teachers
UNESCO's IICBA Electronic Library (Teachers' resources)

  • English (EN): http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/EN/
  • English images (EN) Classi-
    description source
    Wikipedia for Schools (EN) P/S Many Children around the world can access offline to this selection of Wikipedia articles at school. It includes 6000 articles, 26 million words and 50,000 images which make Wikipedia for Schools bigger than Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia put together! More details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_for_Schools
    RACHEL (EN) P/S RACHEL is a complete collection of free educational content. "Wikipedia for schools“ is part of the RACHEL collection, as well as educational documents of the Khan Academy (math and science classes), MedLine Medical Encyclopedia, Hesperian Health Guides, Khan Academy (health videos), CK-12 STEM text-books, Gutenberg World Literature eBooks, OLPC Educational Games/Lessons, UNESCO Primary School Resources, MathExpression Math Videos, Learn to Type "Power Typing", Music Theory, MIT Scratch etc. https://rachel.worldpossible.org/
    African Story Books P African Storybook Project is enjoyable. It consists on illustrated stories that assist young children while they learn to read. They are gathered from African communities and include characters and topics that are more familiar and relevant to children.
    Algebra for beginners P/S Algebra2Go - Prealgebra.
    Cat and dog (EN) P Cat and Dog Books are funny and easy for children to read.
    Core knowledge (EN) P/S/T The Core Knowledge Curriculum Series provides comprehensive and rich content materials for learning, based on the Core Knowledge Sequence. Language, Art, History, Geography and other learning materials are available for student readers, teacher guides and activity books.
    Pre-School books and videos to learn reading P Fantastic Phonics is a complete 16 week intensive reading scheme for schools and families, with 60 printable stories, multimedia and video.
    High quality books for beginning readers P Mustard Seed Books provides high quality books in English for beginning readers.
    Bino and Fino - Nigerian cartoons P Bino and Fino - Nigerian cartoons - Teaching children around the world about African culture and much more.
    Book Dash Books - African storybooks for children P Book Dash Books - African storybooks for children, available for anyone to freely print, translate and distribute. BookDash believes that every child should own a hundred books by the age of five.
    English Children's Storybooks P English Children's Storybooks - A collection of storybooks in English from several sources. Enjoy!
    Math Expression P/S Math tutoring materials including videos, study tips, practice questions and step-by-step solutions. For each lesson, read the study tips carefully and take notes of the important concepts/ideas before watching the video. These tips will guide you in your math thinking strategies.
    Women in African History P/S A collection of comics, biographies, and audiobooks on prominent women from African history.
    Feed the Monster - fundamentals of reading P/S Collect monster eggs and feed them letters so they can grow into new friends!
    Adults books and videos to learn reading S Fantastic Phonics for Adults is a powerful collection of literacy tools - including over 140 lessons and almost 300 videos.
    125+ computer and software tutorials S 125+ computer and software tutorials by LearnFree.org, including MS-Office and Windows (2015). Hundreds of high-quality illustrated articles and videos focusing on technology, job training, reading, and math skills, produced by the Goodwill Community Foundation.
    openstax Textbooks (Post Secondary) S A selection of post-secondary textbooks for openstax (openstax.org).
    College Credit Courses from World Possible S This is a collection of courses that will help you earn college credits on various topics. The courses are gathered from various Open Educational Resources and reorganized by World Possible, the team that maintains RACHEL. College credits are granted through CLEP exams. The College Board's College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) has been the most widely trusted credit-by-examination program for over 40 years, accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities and administered in more than 1,800 test centers, including in many prison facilities.
    Saylor Academy Textbooks S Saylor Academy Textbooks, over 100 Free Textbooks covering a wide range of topics that can help with earning college credits.
    training material Tanzanian exams S These sample tests from The National Examinations Council of Tanzania are a useful guide for study and preparation.
    training material The West African Senior School Certificate Examination S This collection of files will help you study for The West African Senior School Certificate Examination. These files are provided in both .docx and .pdf format and an appropriate software is required to view them.
    Educate! - provides youth with skills training in leadership S/T Educate! - provides youth with skills training in leadership, entrepreneurship and workforce readiness, along with mentorship, to start real businesses at school.
    Siyavula - Mathmatics and Physical Science Textbooks and Teacher's Guides (grades 10-12) S/T Siyavula - Mathematics and Physical Science Textbooks and Teacher's Guides (grades 10-12).
    UNESCO's IICBA Electronic Library (Teachers' resources) T Teachers' resources from the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa.
    Kiwix Offline Wiki Reader S/T Some Kiwix Offline Wikis are preinstalled, but there are many more to be discovered and downloaded using the Kiwix app or from the web https://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Main_Page/de

    Classification of content
    P = Preschool / Primary school | S = Secondary / High school / Adults | T = Teachers' Resource |

    Content is part of image... Example, read as follow: EN_250 = part of image EN_250 and so on.

  • Spanish (es): http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/ES/
  • Spanish RACHEL collection
    http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/ES/es-rachel.tar.gz (start page: /RACHEL-ES/www/index.html)
    Attention: The Spanish Wikipedia for Schools link inside the Spanish RACHEL does not work. Please install this Wikipedia additionally, thank you.

    The Spanish content below listed is NOT part of the Spanish RACHEL, so please decide if and what you want to use for your project:

    Suggested path to copy and unpack the Spanish content archives to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/ES

    Hint: Copy the file http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/ES/index-es.html into the above-mentioned directory. Open this file in any browser and you will find a list of all the content and links that will take you to the materials, after unpacking it into the above-mentioned directory

    Spanish images (ES) Classi-
    description source
    Biblioteca de Latino América P/S Excelente colección de materiales educativos y de referencia para América Latina.
    Currículum Nacional Base Guatemala P/S El Currículum Nacional Base (CNB) del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala (MINEDUC) es un esfuerzo monumental. Ha pasado una década desde que el MINEDUC inició la elaboración de un currículum basado en competencias en 2004, y en ese lapso se han desarrollado lineamientos, mallas curriculares y elementos de evaluación que tocan a todos los niveles desde el Inicial hasta el Bachillerato.
    Aplicaciones Educativas para el Aula P/S Esta es una colección excelente de aplicaciones educativas que pueden ser útiles para facilitar el aprendizaje en diferentes temas.
    Mustard Seed Children Books en Español P/S Libros de buena calidad a un bajo costo para lectores principiantes.
    GCF AprendeLibre.org en Español P/S GCFAprendeLibre es un espacio virtual creado para ti, para ayudarte a crecer y alcanzar tus sueños. La misión de GCFAprendeLibre es crear y proveer educación y oportunidades para enriquecer a quienes desean mejorar su calidad de vida. Advertencia: Los ejercicios no funcionan todavía.
    Toco Madera P/S Toco Madera es un proyecto de mobiliario social, desarrollado en el ámbito de las actividades de investigación y extensión de la Escuela Universitaria Centro de Diseño (Farq/UdelaR) de Uruguay. El equipo responsable está compuesto por 5 diseñadores egresados de la institución. El proyecto, concebido dentro del formato de diseño de código abierto, apunta a proveer una solución de equipamiento doméstico a programas de asistencia social o a poblaciones ante situaciones de catástrofe.
    Kiwix Offline Wiki Reader S/T Algunos Kiwix Offline Wikis están preinstalados, pero hay mucho más por descubrir y descargar usando la aplicación Kiwix o desde la web https://wiki.kiwix.org/

    Classification of content
    P = Preschool / Primary school | S = Secondary / High school / Adults | T = Teachers' Resource |

    Content is part of image... ES_120.

  • French (fr): http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/FR/
  • There is no French RACHEL collection, so you have to install/use the needed content from the list below:

    There is a suggested path in order to copy and unpack the French content archives, please go to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/FR

    Hint: Copy the file http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/FR/index-fr.html into the above-mentioned directory. Open this file in any browser and you will find a list of all the content and links that will take you to the materials, after unpacking it into the above-mentioned directory.

    French content / images (FR) Classi-
    description source
    Hand painted children books from a Congolese artist P/S Les éditions congolaises Afrique Éditions présentent 16 nouveaux livres écrits et illustrés par Marie Wabbes.
    Chat et Chien / Dog and Cat (FR) books P/S Les livres chat et chien sont amusants et faciles à lire.
    La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec P/S Textes d'auteurs appartenant au domaine public. 2329 volumes à ce jour !
    Haïti Futur Vidéos P/S Haïti Futur - Vidéos de sciences expérimentales.
    Khan Academy (FR) P/S Plus de 2000 vidéos sur les mathématiques et la science, de la base à l'avancée. Tout le contenu Khan Academy est disponible gratuitement sur https://fr.khanacademy.org/.
    Kiwix Offline Wiki Reader S/T Certains wikis hors ligne Kiwix sont préinstallés, mais il y a beaucoup plus à découvrir et à télécharger à l'aide de l'application Kiwix ou sur le Web https://wiki.kiwix.org/

    Classification of content
    P = Preschool / Primary school | S = Secondary / High school / Adults | T = Teachers' Resource |

    Content is part of image... FR_100.

  • German / Deutsch (DE) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/DE/
  • We collected video tutorials, homepage, and wiki content to learn the German language offline, e.g. for immigrants.
    Wir haben Videos sowie die Inhalte von Homepages und Wikis gesammelt, damit man auch offline Deutsch lernen kann, z.B. für Seiteneinsteigerkinder.

    Path to copy and unpack the German content archives to / Pfad zum Entpacken der Deutschsprachigen Lerninhalte: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/DE

    Tipp: Kopiert die Datei http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/DE/index-de.html in das o.a. Verzeichnis. Öffnet diese Index-Datei in einem Browser und ihr findet die Links zu den u.a. Lerninhalten, nachdem ihr diese im gleichen Ordner entpackt habt.

    Lerninhalte (Deutsch, DE) Altersstufe DE_
    Beschreibung source
    Khan Academy Deutschsprachige Lernvideos Mathematik P/S Mehr als 300 Videos auf Mathe, von Arithmetik, um Vor-Algebra. Alle Khan Academy Gehalt an https://de.khanacademy.org kostenlos zur Verfügung.
    Arabische Lernvideos Deutschkurs von Deiaa Abdullah P/S Informationen für Geflüchtete und Asylsuchende in Deutschland und Österreich mit Schritt-für-Schritt Dokumentationen, Videos, Bewerbungs Tipps, Lernblättern und Vokabeln in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Arabisch und weiteren Sprachen. Information for refugees in Germany and Austria with step-by-step tutorials, videos, vocabulary, advice for job search and education in German, English, French, Arabic and other languages.
    Materialien für Deutschkurse und Informationen der Bundesregierung P/S Informationen für Geflüchtete und Asylsuchende in Deutschland und Österreich mit Schritt-für-Schritt Dokumentationen, Videos, Bewerbungs Tipps, Lernblättern und Vokabeln in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Arabisch und weiteren Sprachen. Information for refugees in Germany and Austria with step-by-step tutorials, videos, vocabulary, advice for job search and education in German, English, French, Arabic and other languages.
    Materialien für Deutschkurse und Informationen (Project Re-Connect) P/S Informationen für Geflüchtete und Asylsuchende in Deutschland und Österreich mit Schritt-für-Schritt Dokumentationen, Videos, Bewerbungs Tipps, Lernblättern und Vokabeln in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Arabisch und weiteren Sprachen. Information for refugees in Germany and Austria with step-by-step tutorials, videos, vocabulary, advice for job search and education in German, English, French, Arabic and other languages.
    Kiwix Offline WIkis und Lerninhalte S/T Kiwix Offline WIkis und Lerninhalte https://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Main_Page/de

    Classification of content
    P = Vorschule / Grundschule | S = Sekundarstufe I/II / Erwachsene | T = Lehrer (Teachers' Resource) |

    Lerninhalt ist Teil des Images... Refugees_DE_120.

  • Arabic (AR): http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/AR/
  • There is a suggested path in order to to copy and unpack the Arabic content archives, just go to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/AR

    Arabic content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Arabic video tutorials Khan Academy لعربية P/S أكثر من 1800 أشرطة الفيديو على الرياضيات والعلوم، من الأساسي إلى مرحلة متقدمة. جميع محتوى خان أكاديمية متاح مجانا على
    as before, but high resolution videos (HD) P/S أكثر من 1800 أشرطة الفيديو على الرياضيات والعلوم، من الأساسي إلى مرحلة متقدمة. جميع محتوى خان أكاديمية متاح مجانا على
    Hesperian Health Guide دليل هسبريان الصحي P/S دليل هسبريان الصحة هو مصدر غير ربحي للمعلومات الصحية و التثقيف الصحي لدعم الأفراد و المجتمعات في نضالهم لتحقيق الحق في الصحة. نحن نطور مواد سهلة القراءة يتم إنتاجها في العديد من اللغات

  • Hindi (HI) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/HI/
  • There is a suggesteed path in order to copy and unpack the Hindi content archives, just go to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/HI

    Hindi content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Hindi video tutorials P/S Toys from Trash - Collection of Hindi videos. Create toys from household items. More details http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys.html

  • Indonesian (ID) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/ID/
  • There is a suggested path in order to copy and unpack the Indonesian content archives, just go to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/ID

    Indonesian content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Bahasa Indonesia Storybooks P/S Buku Cerita Indonesia- Kumpulan buku cerita dalam bahasa Indonesia dari beberapa sumber. Nikmati!

  • Nepale (NE) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/NE/
  • There is a suggested path in order to copy and unpack the Nepali content archives, just go to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/NE

    Nepali content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Nepali / नेपाली video tutorials P/S E-Paath is a collection of digital learning materials, designed and developed by Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal with government of Nepal's Department of Education. E-Paath has over 600 interactive learning modules (for grades 2 to 8) based on the national curriculum, which were conceptualized, designed and developed in Nepal. In addition, each lesson and activity has been tested and approved by the Curriculum Development Center (CDC) of Nepal.

  • Portuguese (PT) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/PT/
  • Suggested path to copy and unpack the Portuguese content archives to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/PT

    Portuguese content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Khan Academy Portuguese video tutorials P/S Mais de 2000 vídeos em matemática e ciências, desde o básico ao avançada. Todo o conteúdo Khan Academy está disponível gratuitamente em https://pt.khanacademy.org.

  • Swahili (SW) http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/install-disk/wiki-archive/wikis/SW/
  • Suggested path to copy and unpack the Swahili content archives to: /home/labdoo/Public/wikis/SW

    Swahili content, not part of any image Classi-
    description source
    Khan Academy on a stick - Kiswahili / Swahili video tutorials P/S More than 1000 vídeos about matematics and science, for beginners and experts. All video ttutorials of Khan Academy are available online and for free https://sw.khanacademy.org/ or us our offline archive.

    The Labdoo team and Labdoo users would like to thank the Khan Academy and others for publishing the OER Open Educational Resources. In case of any question please send an e-mail to Labdoo-DACH@Labdoo.org, thank you.

    Continue reading under this section:
    Information for Labdooers (Volunteers)