Labtix on Chromebook



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I'd like to know how to install the labdoo environment on a Chromebook. I already have a labtix but i don't know if it's possible to use a usb drive to run the labdoo environment on a Chromebook.

Thanks in advance,
José Luis


Аватар пользователя thomsen
Опубликовано чт, 05/02/2024 - 11:24 пользователем thomsen

Hi Jose Luis,
I never was succsessfull to install any Linux on a Chromebook. The firmware is locked to only accept Chrome OS. For some devices there are workarounds to install Linux inside of the Chrome OS as some kind of virtual machine. But this is too limeted to install any "full" Linux. I'm sorry to say this, but chromebooks are useless for our project. It's like Android-devices: leave them as they are and give them to anybody who can use it :-)

best regards

thomsen from labdoo Germany