


If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.

Request of more information to solicitors

Dear $NAME:

Thank you for contacting Labdoo and for all the work you've done to help spread education.

In order to evaluate if we can help your project, we need first to have some more information about your school: could you please tell us more about your project? What are your goals? What are you going to do with the laptops? How many teachers and pupils do you have? How do you plan to train your teachers? How will you maintain your laptops?

If you have a website, could you send it to us? Any pictures?

Information for All Hubs

Let's start describing some of the activities you will be able to carry within your own Labdoo hub. Some activities may require technical experience, for example, hosting a sanitation workshop, but most activities rely on organization and leadership skill.

As part of a Hub you can choose to do any of the following activities. A best practice is to start with "outreach" and "collect and tag laptops" first, and then progressively increase as you gain experience. In any case, you decide which activities you can carry out depending on your resources, preferences and availability.

Informations donateurs IT

Informations pours IT

Merci de vous informer sur les dons informatiques à Labdoo. Nous serons heureux si vous nous faites confiance et nous confiez votre IT désaffectée, privée ou d'entreprise pour faire un don.

Le projet d'aide à but non lucratif® collecte des ordinateurs portables et des tablettes qui ne sont plus utilisés, Lecteur d' eBook u.a. pour une bonne cause.

Les dons informatiques peuvent également être envoyés directement à
et nous nous occupons de tout. Ou vous travaillez vous-même votre propre don informatique.

Sample Sanitation Workshop

When you carry a laptop sanitation workshop, it's a good practice to organize your own workflow to ensure there is a proper coordination of the various tasks among your team members. While there are many different ways to do this and you can certainly be creative, here is a sample sanitation workshop template that you can use as a reference.

Information IT-Spender

Vielen Dank, dass du / Ihr / sie sich über IT-Spenden für Labdoo informieren. Der Einfachheit halber bleiben wir im folgenden Text beim "du", sonst würde der Text doppelt so lang ;). Es würde uns freuen, wenn du uns dein Vertrauen schenkst und du uns eure ausgemusterte, private oder Firmen-IT spendest.