One Action One Thank you


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As suggested by Wendy, i am initiating a team conversation here as a placeholder for us to put the Thank You Messages we received from those who benefit from the Labdoo project. This will allow us to track in a centralized place all the "Thank you" notes and at the same time share them openly through this wall. It was agreed in this conversation that in the future we will implement a feature in the platform to allow these messages be linked to their edoovillage, tagged and searched from the platform.

This wall is similar to the "One Country One Picture" wall, but instead of pictures, here we post messages:

In the meantime, please share in this wall all the thank you messages you have received so far and all that you receive going forward. To begin, i am just copying here all the messages that were introduced so far in the Google doc.

User's country: Zambial
User's city: Livingstone: Nekacheya School (PIECES)
Frank Geisler

As the Teacher of information communication and Technology at Nekacheya School. Ian thankful for the donation of 10 laptops. The school is appreciating very much because this has enhanced learning Technology. Only one laptop is having a screen damage which is suspected to be developed at the airport. But the 9 are all working well. We hope that this relationship Will Go a long way to help our pupils. I will be reporting every 6 months as per stated rules.

Mr. Hachamuna Moscal

Teacher of ICT. Nekacheya School.


User's country: Senegal
User's city: Thiès
"Lieber Frank,
Ein ganz grosses und «inniges Vergelt’s Gott» für die vielen Laptops. Einfach super, toll, ich kann dir meine Freude gar nicht so richtig mitteilen und dir sagen wie glücklich ich über diese schöne Spende bin. Mit diesen Geräten werde ich viel Freude bereiten.
Menschen brauchen Menschen – was man alles mit solchen Aktionen in den Herzen der Armen auslöst – wir wissen es nicht. Das ist wohl das Geheimnis, wichtig in allem ist die Liebe zum Nächsten und da hast du mit deinen Mitarbeitern ein ganz grosses Zeichen gesetzt. Ich kann dir nur DANKEN.
Alles Gute und ein lieber Gruss
Agnes Benz, 13 October 2017"


User's country: Philippines
User's city: Quezon City, Manila
“Lieber Frank,
Unsere Mentorship Academy in den Philippinen war viel zu schnell vorbei. Ich durfte unglaubliche Erfahrungen machen und nehme für mich persönlich sehr viel mit aus diesem Projekt. Eines der grössten Take-aways ist die Dankbarkeit: dankbar sein für Menschen, die einem begegnen und unterstützen, sowie für Dinge, die nicht für alle Menschen selbstverständlich sind. Diese Dankbarkeit durfte ich während unseres Projekteinsatzes täglich bei den Studierenden und dem Hilfswerk erleben: so haben sie sich enorm über die 13 Labdoo-Laptops gefreut, welche wir gespendet haben. Im Anhang schicke ich euch ein Bild der Übergabe. Ich freue mich sehr, dass die Laptops noch Verwendung finden und so Studierende bei ihrer Ausbildung unterstützen.
In diesem Sinne möchte ich mich nochmals ganz herzlich bei euch beiden bedanken, lieber Frank und Demian: für eure Geduld, eure Unterstützung, euer Durchhaltevermögen sowie euren Einsatz. Ohne euch wäre dies alles nicht möglich gewesen. Daher nochmals ein grosses Dankeschön und Salamat wie man auf philippinisch sagt!
Ich grüsse euch herzlich,
Tanja Studer
Synpulse Schweiz AG
15 June 2017”


User's country: Madagascar
User's city: Antsirabe
"Wir hatten nun drei Praktikanten in unserer Schule in Vinaninkarena und alles läuft wunderbar. Die Laptops sind nach wie vor ein Hit und nicht mehr weg zu denken aus der Schule. Es werden verschiedene Kinder mit verschiedenen Niveaus gefördert und angelernt.
Katrin Sutter, 15 June 2017"


User's country: South Africa
User's city: Johannesburg
"From the team at ADET, we cannot adequately express our supreme gratitude for these life-changing donations! Through Labdoo's help, we have been able to enroll many more eager learners, giving them a safe and enriching environment to grow. THANK YOU!
Katherine Lindsay, 13 June 2017"


User's country: Uganda
User's city: Jinja
"Hello Labdoo, hope you all doing fine...Iam Martin Luba from Uganda, few years ago i joined #Globalmatch an organistion based in German as an Ambassador in in Uganda, we had various skypecalls, but the main challenge was communication,i used to go to the nearest cafe centres in order to communicate, this was quite expensive for me......after some time #Katherine Jung the co-founder for #Global match found out an organisation called Labdoo which would help us by lending us some computers to solve the problem of i talk now i have so far received (6) laptops from Labdoo, and i want to assure you that we are no longer facing the same challenge ...on behalf of Globalmatch ambassordors i take this oppotunity to thank you for the great work done and trusting us. we promise to make the best use of these computers.
Best regards
Martin Luba-Uganda”


User's country: Pakistan
User's city: Gujranwala
My dearest Janice
Thank you so much for making it possible to send us laptops, some time we cannot find words to describe our feelings to say what we want to say to someone like you, who is working so hard to give power to those who are trying to make a change, there are many people like me who dream to make a change, to bring peace into lives of such women but we cannot achieve our goals if we do not have support of people like you. If you would not have faith in what I do it was not possible to get this amazing donation of laptops which will make a very big difference in the lives of my students.

The Honorable Jordi
I am very blessed to know you and thankful for this donation of four laptops, can you imagine who are going to use these laptops? Whose dream is to touch a laptop in their life time and who are scared to have dreams even because they are being treated as slaves of men and as property of men who do not have individual identity but with these laptops we are not only going to make them a part of the global village but by getting knowledge they will know what is their worth being women.
I will share pics with you so that you can see into their eyes that feeling and excitement which they will have by using these gifts of yours. And if you want to see them working daily on them you can join our facebook page Zephaniah Free Education please

Our Wonderful Malee (dootripper)
You are coming to Pakistan only to meet these girls, to give them hope and to make them feel that they are all beautiful and important you are our angel and we are waiting for you by counting minute.

Thank you three of you the amazing people I have a dream to change their [lives], to make their dreams come true and you are my strength for keep going and not be afraid of any threat or hurdle in achieving my goal

Love and hugs to you all God bless you

With Respect
Sister Zeph
Founder and Chairperson
Zephaniah Women Education and Empowerment Foundation( ZWEEF)


User's country: Kenya
User's city: Siaya
Lieber Herr Geisler

Unser Reiseteam hat alle von Labdoo geschenkten Laptops mit Akku anlässlich seiner Reise vom vergangenen März/April an besonders bedürftige Schulen in Siaya (Kenia) überreicht. Die dabei von Eva Parati bzw. ihrem Begleiter aufgenommenen Bilder von den Übergaben habe ich Ihnen separat mit WeTransfer übermittelt. Die noch ausstehenden schriftlichen Meldungen sind laut meiner Kollegin von der Siaya Kenya Children Foundation in Bearbeitung.

Die Geräte wurden nicht nur einfach überreicht. Die Beschenkten erhielten dank unserem mitgereisten IT-Experten auch fachmännischen Support.

Natürlich hat diese unerwartete, aber hoch willkommene Bescherung in den einzelnen Schulen grosse Freude ausgelöst. Nochmals vielen Dank an Labdoo mit all seinen Freiwilligen, die in ihrer Freizeit die Geräte auf Vordermann bringen - dies auch ausdrücklich im Namen der Beschenkten.

Toni Blaser
15 May 2018


User's country: India
User's city: Tirunelveli
Dear All,

Prayerful greetings and wishes from Bro. A. J. Michael , the Director of Firendship Home ( Thozhamai Illam) at Cauusanelpuram in Tirunelveli.

I am immensely happy to pen these few lines to you all for all that you have been to the inmates of Friendship Home right from its inception. At this juncture joining with all the beneficiaries i thank you wholeheartedly for the laptops you have given through Rev. Bro. A. Victordass. The children are so happy and they find some time to use the laptops apart from their regular schooling to enhance their computing skills.

Herewith i am attaching the photos for your kind perusal. Once again thanks a lot for your kind help and support.

Thanking you

Your Sincerely

Bro. A. J. Michael
Friendship Home


User's country: Cameroon
User's city: Bamenda
Dear Frank,
Thank you immensely for your quick reply.
All ACTWID Kids as well as women and youths membera are very grateful to you and LABDO team foe joining hands with us here to help oue community in Cameroon. Again thank you immensely for the programmes installed. There is a saying here that ,One Hand cannot tie a bundle when it comes to community work,so thank you foe helping us to improve our already began task for our needy kids here. Your assistance will go a very long way to improve the computer skills for our kids here particularly at this time. This project wll go a long way to change the mentality of our kids in particular and we can all assure you that this project with you will remain as a wonderful milestone in the lives of all our kids here.
Once more thank you all a million times
Sincerely ACTWID Board members led by Bernadette


wendy's picture
Submitted by wendy on Thu, 10/19/2017 - 05:15

User's country: Myanmar
User's city:Pathein
Hi Wendy,

I just wanted to give you an updates about the laptops that Labdoo has donated.

Back in the summer of 2016, I have delivered two donated laptops to the Pathein High School in Myanmar. With that two laptops, several science teachers were able to learn how to use the laptops and develop a simple computer learning curriculum for the students. Then, with the seven additional laptops donated by Labdoo in Jan 2017, the high school was able to start a computer learning center so students can learn how to use the laptops.

This past summer, my family visited the school again and my brother and I have taught the students how to use the laptops to start their own academic research.

Labdoo is making a HUGE difference :)

I just wanted to say THANKS to Labdoo and your help!


wendy's picture
Submitted by wendy on Thu, 10/19/2017 - 05:27

User's country: Uganda
User's city: Kampala

Hope this email finds you well.
We have the January computer class running for six ladies who signed up and the donated laptops are of great help.

Thank you for supporting us to empower youth to become employable through the use of ICT skills.

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 08:40

User name: Serena
User's country: Thailand
User's city: Mae Hong Son
Congratulations for the conference!! (and the youtube channel is working very well :-))
So sorry ChuayDek did not manage to be there this year ... although... in a way we are there anyway thanks through our super friend Graciela Andrade :-)) but... once again... maybe we can use this mean to thank all of you once again for the super help to the Buddha Kasettra Family School and for all your friendship! No words are enough for that... maybe just the thank of some the kids themselves :-) Kokphun ka from Serena Fortuna Wii Traveler Buddhakasetra Anchalee and all the friends of ChuayDek and the Buddha Kasettra Family School. Happy conference to all of you!

[picture attached to this thank you note]

frankgeisler's picture
Submitted by frankgeisler on Thu, 10/26/2017 - 18:54


User's country: Switzerland
User's city: Oberrohrdorf
"Lieber Frank
Gerne schicke ich dir im Anhang einige Bilder. Wie du sehen kannst, war das Interesse an den Laptops gross. Und auch die Freude kann man in den Gesichtern der jungen Asylanten gut erkennen. Ich kann aus den Berichten meiner Mama bestätigen, dass die Freude und Dankbarkeit bis heute anhält und die Laptops intensiv für Schulrecherchen und Projekte in der Lehre genutzt werden.
Einer der Flüchtlinge ist Informatiker und führt seine Mitbewohner jeden SO während mind. 2h in diverse PC-Funktionen ein. Somit eine tolle "Investition"! Danke viel vielmals, lieber Frank! Es war toll mit dir zu arbeiten.
Tanja Studer, Synpulse, 26 October 2017"

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 07:30

User's country: Catalonia
User's city: Barcelona
Edoovillages: and
(See also attached flyer to this message -- web version of this message only)
"Bon dia!!

Com estàs? Esperem que tot vagi genial i que la Labdoo conference de l’altre dia fos tot un èxit. Va ser genial veure la teva cara de shock al veure'ns a casa de la familia Divergente!!

Em primer lloc, et voliem agraïr haver-nos conectat amb aquesta gent tant brillant, junts hem omplert Colombia d’art i amor, i sense cap mena de dubte, això ha estat posible gràcies a tu. Pots visitar el que hem fet al nostre blog.

Tal i com et vam dir, el nostre plan era estar tant sols 2 mesos a Colòmbia, pero varem quedar captivats per la seva màgia, i això va fer que sortissim del país l’últim dia que ens ho permetia el nostre visat. Ha estat una experiencia extraordinaria que ens encantaría compartir amb tu i la Elena un cop estiguem a Barcelona.

En aquest momento estem a Perú, on desenvoluparem alguns projectes, però ja estem treballant intensament en el projecte de Brasil. T’adjuntem el brief del projecte per a que puguis veure tot el que permetràn els ordinadors de Labdoo en aquesta comunitat.

Per a finalitzar agraïrte de nou tot el que estàs fent pel món, i tota la màgia que has aportat a les nostres vides en aquest viatje a Sudamèrica.

Una abraçada potent!!

Ferran i Irantzu.

Irantzu Casajús

frankgeisler's picture
Submitted by frankgeisler on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 19:44

User's country: Mongolia
User's city: Hatgal
"Thank you very much for your great contribution to rural school children.
At our school we only have 12 laptops for computer class. School manager decided to give laptops to computer class and informal educational class/ in which herders students who dropped out school / that are really in need .Also design and technology class students will share them too on demand of their subject.
They are very useful. Please send our warm gratitude to Labdoo team. We also want to say many thanks to you Anita.
I will send more pictures about what they are exactly doing on laptops.
Yours sincerely,
Nergui, 8 November 2017"

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 15:29

User's labdoo account: Sister Chris
User's country: Kenya
User's city: Mwala
"Moltíssimes gràcies. Aixó és molt consolador pensant amb la misèria amb qué ens trobem quan anem a Kenya i Àfrica en general. Ens ajudeu a fer la gent sentir-se valorada i acompanyada. No tothom ha comprés la realitat dels països més necessitats com vosaltres. Que Déu us recompensi amb escreix... jo la primera vegada q vaig anar a Kenya deprés d'estar cinc anys sense veure la família em va impactar molt q una dona em va portar la seva nena petita i em va dir; germana: aquesta filla meva no té ni cap vestit digne per posar-la quan la porto a l'hospital.... i amb lo poc de diners q jo tenia vaig anar a una botiga i li vaig comprar un vestit i la vaig cridar per venir a buscar-lo. Va portar la nena i em va dir que li posi el vestit jo.... i la vaig fer una foto...... doncs et dic que aquella foto és la més preferida en la meva vida. Fa molt de goig fer una persona necessitada sentir-se feliç.

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Sun, 12/24/2017 - 16:46

User's labdoo account: Alinery
User's country: India (now in United Kingdom)
User's city: Sangau

Coming to the United Kingdom to do my master at the University of Sussex was a dream come true to pursue and find a better way to upgrade what I started as I pilot project to my hometown. Mangil Library is a special library project that provides offline and online Library with books and critical thinking class for students to access resources and education for marginalized students in Mizoram, the North East of India.

For the first time, I was invited to the Labdoo Conference 2017 at Barcelona where I had an inspiring and breathtaking moments with other speakers and the very Labdoo family. Having created my own edovillage for the library and is still in the process of transporting the laptops almost every other week recieving one from Barcelona and sending it to India. I was so inspired by the Labdoo family from the founder, my host Elena, my friend Ousman and the students who take extra steps in running the hub and doing the crazy things! I was like what hinder me to start my own hub in London where there is such a huge potential for Dotronics. At first I had a hard time finding the local partner whom I wanted to run the hub as I would leave England when I am done with my studies, but it was unbearable for me to even wait another week. It was not until I open the hub and was joined right away by my two classmates from Brighton. We are very excited and looking forward to recieve our very first laptop in January where we will start operating as the first Labdoo Hub in England.

Currently, I am on my way to country side in Poland to spend my Christmas! And I am sending this as a gift to the labdoo family from the bottom of my heart to bring smile and love to whever it reaches!

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Fri, 01/12/2018 - 06:08

User's country: Pakistan
User's city: Gujranwala
"I hope you are doing great today and that everything is going well. I am writing you regarding my friend and development director of Zeph Education Malee kenworthy's visit to Pakistan in February, during her last visit to Pakistan in 2016 you sent 4 laptops to us which have been very useful for the girls 36 girls are taking IT classes from our center annually and I am very happy to inform you that we have launched another IT institute in December-2017 I was wondering if you please again send us a few laptops so that we can change more lives by teaching IT to more girls. She will fly to Pakistan in first week of Feb and will spend three weeks with us, I am keeping her in CC so that you can talk to her directly.
I want to thank you for all the great work that you are doing to transform lives all over the world I would request you to help us againI wish you and your family a very happy new year, may this year be the best year of your life "

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Fri, 01/12/2018 - 06:21

Name: Max
User's country: Kenya
User's city: Kangemi
"Dear sir,

I am happy to write to you again. Please receive much greetings from us here in Kenya.

I was just concerned about how you are doing and also to pass warm greetings from my family and the school fraternity. I also want to inform you that we received our KCSE results and there was a markable improvement which we can only attribute to the integration of ICT we undertook last year. We are so happy as you have always made us admire to bridge the digital divide.

Warmest regards"

frankgeisler's picture
Submitted by frankgeisler on Sun, 01/21/2018 - 19:39

User's country: Kenya
User's city: Nairobi
"Today at Remnant Educational Centre (Orphanage & School) within Ongata Rongai Village in the outskirts of Nairobi, we received a new year gift from Labdoo. We got laptop serial no. R9-KE2YB 11/12, TAG 11823 courtesy of Mr. Charles Cornu who visited our centre. On behalf on myself and children of Remnant we thank you so much for this gift which is the first of its kind. We need more laptops and pray for you to have strength and open doors in this great work you are doing to help needy people. Regards. Rev.(Dr.) Ware."
Charles Ware, 16 January 2018

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 20:00

User's country: Nigeria
User's city: Ukpor Onitsha

"Hiermit übersende ich Ihnen die beigefügte Unterlagen mit besten Grüßen aus Nigeria.
Die Laptops sind gut angekommen und im Einsatz.

Vielen lieben Dank für Ihr Engagement und Ihren besonderen Leistungen, die installierten Lernprogramme haben sich gelohnt.
Dafür bin Ihnen vom Herzen dankbar und wir freuen uns auf eine gute zukünftige Zusammenarbeit.
Viele Grüße
Your's in Divine Love"
Leverkusen (D), 24.01.2018

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 16:54

User's country: Nigeria
User's city: Akabo

Die Father Philip Agu Spiritan Academy in Akabo​ und ihre Schüler*innen lernen stolz an 21 gespendeten Labdoo-Laptops :) Vielen Dank an alle IT-Spender, Flugpaten und Helfer.

The Father Philip Agu Spiritan Academy at Akabo​ and their pupils are proudly presenting and using the donated Labdoo laptops. A great THANK YOU to all donors, helpers and travellers :)

YouTube Video →

Montse's picture
Submitted by Montse on Tue, 03/06/2018 - 11:30

Message from Tom, a student from this project who received a laptop: "As i promised i am almost ready with the free computer packages, programming lessons and computer repair lessons i have been organizing for watoto rescue. I will cover the event and add to the website also to show labdoo that i am really doing what i was instructed to do. Labdoo has been very helpful, i promised that i would volunteer for NGOs, Labdoo helped me in my career by giving me my first laptop. Now i am a confident programmer,i accept mistakes and try to advance everyday. I thank you so much for giving me a chance to try out my skills. I created facebook & twitter share buttons on blog pages, I intend to create a nice educational platform where watoto from all over the world can play games that improve their mathematical and English abilities."​

Montse's picture
Submitted by Montse on Tue, 03/06/2018 - 11:52

A New thank you note from the Orphanage of Bandjuidjong-Cameroon
Cameroon on February 17, 2018
To the labdoo team.
Ladies and gentlemen of the great LABDOO team from Spain, we received with great joy and happiness the computer LABDOO very necessary for the computer practice of the children of the bandjuidjong orphanage in Cameroon.
We are very happy for the love that you had made through Anna Beltran, who knows deeply the material needs of our children in the field of new technology.
This computer already allows these children to do the computer practice because at school, teachers stop at the theory.
In the past it was very difficult for me to train them with my personal computer because it is difficult for 23 children to be able to train with a single computer.
We thank you very much for this gesture of heart, we thank all the team of LABDOO for this important computer tool to train and educate children and allow them to discover the new technology of communication.
Our thanks comes from the heart and most often, saying thank you would still say that we ask. We have 23 children in the orphanage and two computers (labdoo and a desk stop) available to train them. Which is almost 11 children per computer.
For this reason, we turn once again to ask you two more Labdoo computers or three or even more so that at the time of computer practice, we have at least 3 to 4 children per computer so that each of them can better understand the explanations while having a necessary tool before him for the practice.
We have someone who can take the computers to us in April if you agree to give us a few more. He comes from Cadiz.
We thank you very much and we also await your reaction to this new request. Thank you

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Thu, 03/08/2018 - 18:48

Nachricht des Flugpaten N. aus Papenburg:
Wir sind zurück. Alles ist super gelaufen. Die 4 Laptops haben wir in unserer Bibliothek auf gestellt. Die Kinder haben sich gefreut und fleißig mit dem Lernprogramm gearbeitet. Der Renner war Mathe. Im Anhang schicke ich Bilder durch.
LG N."
Zum Projekt ->

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Sat, 04/07/2018 - 16:08

Hallo Ralf,
nochmals ein großes Dankeschön an Dich und euer Team für die ganze Unterstützung! Ihr macht mit eurem Projekt wirklich eine super tolle Arbeit und unterstützt viele tolle Projekte damit.
Auch nochmals im Namen von Micha, der das Projekt in Varanasi leitet, ein großes Dankeschön an euch.
Sowohl Thomas als auch ich waren ja Flugpaten mit jeweils 2 Geräten von Euch.
Im Anhang sende ich Dir daher einmal noch ein paar Bilder, die zeigen dass die Geräte auch angekommen sind bzw. dort in der Schule zum Einsatz kommen.
Ich war dieses Mal für 5 Wochen in Indien und habe ein paar der Schulaktivitäten über meine Projektseite ( auch im News-Bereich dokumentiert.
Hier habe ich auch euer Projekt mit erwähnt.
Ich wünsche Euch noch ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende.
Sonnige Grüße aus Karlsruhe.
zum Projekt ->

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Sat, 04/14/2018 - 14:46

Dear Ralf,

Hope everything is going well with you. I would like to confirm that i have received 2 laptops and 1 samsung tablet with the ID tag no. 000013250, ID tag no. 000013257 and 000013258.

And on behalf of the Willey Academy i really appreciate and thank you for your good support. THANK YOU RALF.
Best Regards,

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Thu, 04/19/2018 - 05:31

unsere Reise nach Uganda war ein Ereignis und drei der sechs Laptops sind angekommen. Leider mussten drei zurückbleiben. Wenns recht ist, wird Pfarrer Musoke sie mitnehmen wenn Er im Juli kommt.

St. Aloysius ist eine grosse Schule ( von Menschenbrücke gebaut) und es gibt dort 508 Kinder. Geplant ist ein Raum nur für diesen Untericht. Über die drei Laptops haben die Lehrer und Kinder und auch der Schulleiter Mr. Hillary, sich sehr gefreut und sagen Danke.

Habe an Ort und Stelle noch mehr Geräte versprochen und ich hoffe, Sie können helfen.
Herzliche Grüsse
Menschenbrücke e.V.

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 17:38

Dear R.,
First of all, I hope you are well. It took us some time to organise everything, but finally, I'm happy to share with you that last week in Athens we managed to start our programming courses (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) with beneficiaries being young people from the most vulnerable groups (refugees, migrants, long-term unemployed).
This wouldn't be possible without the contribution and the efforts of Labdoo, and for that, on behalf of the non-profit REvive, I huge THANK YOU to all you amazing people! Our students now are some of the many people who have benefited from your magnificent work! Please find attached photos of the first cohort.
With gratitude,
Theodore D., REvive Greece, Athens

labdoo-hub-oc's picture
Submitted by labdoo-hub-oc on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 05:19

We are delighted to receive the wonderful 3- laptops from its Labdoo
ambassador Michael HoJoon Yun and the OC Labdoo Team. They have
changed the lives for many of our North Korean refugees at Heavenly Dream
School, where we strive to re-educate refugees with Western knowledge. We at
Heavenly Dream School break down negative social constructs, discrimination,
and hate. For years, North Koreans are deprived of information due to
censorship and propaganda. It is only through our commitment to make an
effort to change the world that we are able to reach out to the ones who are
Thank you so much for your dedication and passion for the past two years. Our
Heavenly Dream School nurtures North Korean defectors by helping them
assimilate as a citizen of South Korea. 
We hope that we could continue to work together to make their dreams a
reality and build an active fellowship for more changes for the people of North
Korea. I would very much like to work closely with you and the Labdoo
organization. Thank you again for your charitable efforts.

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 14:14

[04.2018] BONJOUR;
Vous nous avez adressé un don matériel de trois ordinateurs portables , ainsi que votre soutien que vous apportez à notre association. Grâce à votre don vous permettez de contribuer au développement de notre démarche . Au nom de tous les membres et bénéficiaires de l'association de sauvegarde et protection des sourds AGADIR , nous vous adressons nos chaleureux remerciements à toute l'équipe "RIVE MAROC" , en personne "SILVIA BRUTSCHIN" et "SAMIRA ARJDAL" ,ainsi que l'organisation "LABDOO" . Nous vous prions d'agréer, l'expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs.

Rue Oued ZIZ Q.I. Agadir prés du conservatoire du musique de la municipalité

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 05:29

Lieber Herr H.,
im Februar 2018 machten sich vier Laptops in Begleitung von Ursula und Ulrich Dröge auf den Weg nach Gambia, wo alle wohlbehalten angekommen sind.
Dank der tollen Vorlage hatte ich den beiden auch ein Begleitschreiben mitgegeben, so dass auch am gambischen Zoll trotz aller kritischen Nachfragen am Ende ales gut ging.
Anbei sende ich einen kurzen Bericht zur Übergabe und den Studenten, die nun mit den Laptops ihre Studien weiterführen können.
Ihnen von Herzen ein herzliches Dankeschön!!!Mit besten Grüßen

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Tue, 05/22/2018 - 16:57

[22.05.2018] Unser Hort „Alte Feuerwache“ im Ostseebad Heringsdorf erhielt vier Laptops mit denen unsere 134 Kinder künftig eigenständig recherchieren, ihre Hausaufgaben erledigen oder mit Lern-Software üben können. Der Leiter des Horts, Herr Fubel, nahm die Spenden entgegen. Ermöglicht wurde diese IT-Spende durch Labdoo D A CH, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, weltweit den Zugang zu IT, Bildung und Teilhabe an der digitalen Gesellschaft auf eine ökologisch verantwortbare Weise zu ermöglichen. Dazu werden nicht mehr genutzte PC’s, Laptops, Tablets und eReader von Labdoo für die Wiederverwendung durch Kinder, z.B. in Schulen, aufbereitet und CO²-neutral durch einen Labdoo-Paten transportiert. Auf den Geräten ist kindergerechte Lern- und Spielsoftware vorinstalliert. Von Sprachen und Lesen über Rechnen bis hin zu den Naturwissenschaften sind für alle Lernfelder Übungsprogramme dabei. Wir freuen uns und sagen vielen vielen Dank!

frankgeisler's picture
Submitted by frankgeisler on Mon, 06/18/2018 - 07:50

From - June 17th, 2018:

Dear Mr. Frank, and members of Labdo,
Thank you immensely for all that you have done so far to be able to install some programs into the computers.
May we know some of these programs if possible? We are all very thankful to the entire team especially to Shoshana now too who has found an NGO to transport the fifty computers to us here in ACTWID Cameroon. We are very happy to HAVE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE LIKE ALL OF YOU THERE THROUGH MADAM SHOSHANA AND DORRIE with all the ACTWID SWITZERLAND menbers there.. AGAIN THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES FOR SOLVING A VERY BIG PROBLEM OF OUR KIDS WHO ARE REALLY DESPERATE ESPECIALLY AT THIS TIME WITH THE SITUATION AT HAND.
Your assistance will go a very long way to sustain ACTWID CHOSEN CHILDREN CLUB here.
All of us are indeed very grateful and e all promise to work very hard to maintain the computers when they arrive here.
Best regards from all of us in ACTWID Cameroon under the leadership of Bernadette

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub on Tue, 07/03/2018 - 17:04

Lieber Herr Hamm,
unter dem Link: finden Sie meinen Bericht über die feierliche Einweihung der Secondary Boy School in Tawilla (Sudan, Region Darfur).
Dabei wird sowohl im Text als auch mit der 4. Abbildung auf Labdoo Hub Rhein-Ruhr und die ersten Laptops hingewiesen, die dort zum Einsatz kommen.
Wir alle, insbesondere die 550 Schüler vor Ort, danken Ihnen für die fantastische Unterstützung und Hilfe!
Mit besten Wünschen und herzlichen Grüßen

Oberstleutnant d.R.
Vorsitzender Lachen Helfen e.V.