All teams activities

Coffee Shop

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Mon, 11/18/2019 - 13:09 | 3 comment(s)
Wir Deutschen sind ja Reise-Weltmeister :) So ist es nicht überraschend, dass der 1.000. Flugpaten aus Essen, Deutschland kommt (y) Eine neuer Meilenstein in unserem Projekt! 2 Laptops gehen nach Kabale in Uganda, danke allen Spendern, Helfern und natürlich dem Flugpaten :) Die Jugendlichen warten schon... We...
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Mon, 11/18/2019 - 08:34 | 2 comment(s)
Since a long time Labdoo (Germany) is either collaborating with other German NGOs, which are taking care of the work on-site, checking that IT donations stay on-site and that the project is serious. But sometimes schools or NGOs contact Labdoo (Germany) directly. In such cases we ask for additional documents, proofing the existence of the school or project, e.g. the school registration...
jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Sat, 11/16/2019 - 00:05 | 0 comment(s)
Hello team, I wanted to introduce Catalina (@Catalina2405), who is joining us as a volunteer part of the internship program that we are part of with the Department of Translation and Interpretation from Univestitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Catalina will be working to help correct grammatical mistakes on the English translation of the Labtix manuals and to help improve the overall flow. As...

Wiki and Translations

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Sat, 11/16/2019 - 00:05 | 0 comment(s)
Hello team, I wanted to introduce Catalina (@Catalina2405), who is joining us as a volunteer part of the internship program that we are part of with the Department of Translation and Interpretation from Univestitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Catalina will be working to help correct grammatical mistakes on the English translation of the Labtix manuals and to help improve the overall flow. As...

Software Development

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 16:25 | 3 comment(s)
Javier recently made a question that made us realize our "Delivered" counter underestimates the actual values of delivered laptops. This is because a laptop delivered (S4) that later on is recycled (S6) stops counting as delivered. The metric should look at all the historical states taken by a laptop to truly capture the right number of laptops delivered.
t810sable's picture
Submitted by t810sable | Last mesage on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 22:39 | 1 comment(s)
(I posted on LGS Team Wall but maybe I should have posted on Team Software Development?) After I updated the status of 2 dootronics, these messages below (and attached image) appeared. - Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists. - There was a problem sending an automatic message, please contact Labdoo at (link sends e-mail)...

Labdoo D A CH

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 10:33 | 0 comment(s)
Labdoo nimmt als Aussteller an dem DIGITAL FUTUREcongress. Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch auf unserem Messestand A7.
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 10:27 | 0 comment(s)

Labdoo-California, USA

labdoo-hub-oc's picture
Submitted by labdoo-hub-oc | Last mesage on Sun, 10/27/2019 - 21:53 | 0 comment(s)
Dear OC-Labdooers, Our November sanitation workshop is coming up! Please mark your calendar (Sunday, 11/3) and join us to get the laptops ready for underprivileged students to receive education. We are looking forward to see you again soon! Sincerely, The Labdoo-OC Team

Labdoo Catalonia

eparpal's picture
Submitted by eparpal | Last mesage on Fri, 10/11/2019 - 11:54 | 1 comment(s)
Bon dia, tenim molts viatgers a finals d'octubre i novembre, per sort!. Ja tenim enregistrats - Sierra Leone, 16 viatgers de Cocacola - Dootrip #000001288 - from barcelona (Spain) to freetown (Sierra Leone) - Chela, 5 per portar a Roma i des d'allà a Uganda i Senegal- Dootrip #000001269 - from Barcelona (Spain) to Roma (Italy) - Migracode Barcelona, els hi falten 3 més (no cal dootrip,...