Labdoo FTP server allows users to download useful documents and images for Labdoo devices. Many thanks to i2cat's support; it is hosted at its office in Barcelona .
There are several different ways to connect and download files from the Labdoo FTP server. Here are a few simple ways.
Open a internet browser (URL: ) (Make sure the URL begins with “http://” and not “ftp://). All the files underneath this level is license free to be downloaded.
To Download a file, right click its link and store it by clicking on "Save link as ..." (It is possible the name may be different depending on the type of internet browser and operating-system you use).
Pro: Easy access without needing other software or password;
Con: Files can only be downloaded one by one, not in a bulk.
Connect to the FTP server
It is easy to connect your PC or local server to the FTP server with ftp tools if you need to download massive files. Depending on the operating system, there are free tools available such as Filezilla or rsync. Many NAS / local server / local storage systems also offer a way to connect and synchronize files to your local storage. New modifications on files will be mirrored automatically. In some file systems, you are able to link/mount external FTP servers as a drive.
The user account is username: labdoo and the password is: labdoo. This user is not able to change or delete files, but can download them. If you need other privileges to write files, please contact us and explain your purpose at
Settings for Filezilla
Server =
User = labdoo
Password = labdoo
Protocol = sftp
You may also change the start directory in the Filezilla by going to settings → Advanced → directory. By changing the start directory, you won't need to click through the directory tree every time when you login.
Connecting using a file explorer
Unfortunately, there is no native solution within Windows to get direct access to our FTP server by using the sftp protocol. Due to security reason, Labdoo does not offer the ftp protocol to connect to its FTP server.
With Windows operating system, you need to install an external software tool, such as Filezilla. Please follow the link and settings above.
If you are using the GNU/Linux, you can connect to our FTP server with sftp protocol. You can add the path to your file explorer as followed: s
You can also use rsync. you will find the instructions for (L)Ubuntu setup from You can mirror all files on the FTP server by using rsync -avHe ssh
(Warning: It will take up several hundred GB disk space!)
If you don't want to mirror the complete Labdoo setup from our FTP server, you can select the content, directories or folders you need. Here are some recommendations:
Images for Cloning:
English documents:
Graphics + logos:
In case of any questions, please email us at, Thank you!