


If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.

Installing Additional Education Packages (英文版)

When sanitizing a computer, the minimum requirement is to install (1) the Lubuntu operating system, (2) the Edubuntu Education Package and (3) the Office Suite (Libre office). The Edubuntu package is a powerful education suite containing very valuable applications for children of all ages and for many areas of science. In addition to this package and optionally, you can also add even more education packages to your computer by installing some more software applications following the steps described in the next sections.

Connect to Labdoo FTP server(英文版)

Labdoo FTP server allows users to download useful documents and images for Labdoo devices. Many thanks to i2cat's support; it is hosted at its office in Barcelona .

There are several different ways to connect and download files from the Labdoo FTP server. Here are a few simple ways.


Open a internet browser (URL: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/ ) (Make sure the URL begins with “http://” and not “ftp://). All the files underneath this level is license free to be downloaded.

Tagging procedures(英文版)

Each dootronic contributed to the Labdoo platform needs to be tagged and labeled with its unique Labdoo Indentifier (ID) to ensure that donors can track their donation all the way to the final destination school and/or the recycling factory.

The following steps describe the process of tagging a Labdoo laptop.

參與 Labdoo 的相關資訊(英文版)

In this guide you will find useful information for Labdooers (Labdoo users), including information about how to sanitize laptops, how to package them ready for traveling, or general tricks and tips among others. While this document attempts to be comprehensive, if you have any questions that do not get answered in this guide, please post them directly in any of the Labdoo Teams and one member of the Labdoo community will provide an answer.