Labdoo User Accounts



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Labdoo users interface with the Labdoo platform by using their own account. If you have not created an account yet and would like to be part of Project Labdoo to help spread education around the globe, please go to the registration page and fill in the fields to create your own account.

Once you have created your own account and logged into the Labdoo system, you will be able to perform tasks such as tagging a laptop, registering a new trip (we call it a 'dootrip'), communicating with other labdooers, or write comments to the various team walls, among many other tasks. The types of tasks you are capable of doing depend on the role your user is given. The following lists the various types of roles a user can have and the tasks allowed for each role:

  • Anonymous user: corresponds to users who visit without logging into an account. These users can only visualize data (dootronics, dootrips, schools, hubs) but cannot create any object (like tagging a dootronic). These users cannot see any user information either.
    Can do: visualize all objects.

  • Authenticated user: corresponds to the very basic labdoo user role. This is the role that a labdooer receives by default when registering for the first time to the system. This type of account allows users to perform all the base functions such as tagging laptops or registering a dootrip.
    Can do: anonymous user plus tag dootronics, create dootrips, register to teams, post conversations and tasks to teams.

  • Hub manager: provides additional functions to manage hubs, including editing your own hub information, assigning new managers to your hub, or uploading pictures to your hub photo album. Most often when this role is assigned, the user is also assigned the edoovillage manager role so that the hub manager can also create and assign new edoovillages to the hub account.
    Can do: authenticated user plus manage hub, upload photos to your hub album, create edoovillages, configure automatic hub notification triggers.

  • Edoovillage manager: provides additional functions to manage edoovillages, including creating and editing edoovillages, assigning other editors to edoovillages, or uploading pictures to edoovillages photo albums.
    Can do: authenticated user plus manage edoovillage, upload photos to a edoovillage album.

  • Newsletter manager: provides additional functions to manage, edit, and publish newsletters issues.
    Can do: authenticated user plus create, edit, issue and manage newsletters.

  • Wiki writer: provides additional functions to write new wiki documents. This role can create new wiki pages, edit existing ones, and publish or unpublish them.
    Can do: authenticated user plus create, edit, and manage wiki entries.

  • Team manager: provides additional functions to manage Labdoo teams, including creating new Labdoo teams, managing the users part of a team or assigning team management roles to other users.
    Can do: authenticated user plus create, edit, and manage Labdoo teams.

  • Superhub manager: provides additional functions to create new hubs and help manage larger Labdoo regions englobing multiple hubs.
    Can do: authenticated user plus create hubs, create and edit superhub pages, manage regional contact pages, assign roles to users, rights to edit any laptop.

Continue reading under this section:
Managing Your User's Roles

Role Delegation

Finding and Contacting Other Labdoo Users

My Global Contributions