Automised installation using Script



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Thanks to Daniel and the other team members of Labdoo Hub Düsseldorf (Germany) we are now able to use an easy and time saving way to install images for cloning (, which is working like an installation wizard :) As you know programmers are lazy and each click is one click to much ;) So they invented this fabulous script for us :)

The autodeploy script will solve these tasks automatically:

  • Deleting data from the disc-drive using random generated data Important: only run the script, if all data may be removed from disc-drive!
  • Select the best matching image for cloning for your computer, depending on CPU (32 or 64 Bit) and size of the disc-drive (< 80 GB or >= 80 GB)
  • Installation of the matching image from an external drive, e.g. external USB-disc or server)
  • Calculate the best size for swap and adapt the swap-space
  • Write the installation protocol into a protocol file

After running the script the computer is ready to be used, except the adaption, e.g. to the needs of your edoovillage.

Please read more about this great tool here

As usual: no warranty; any remarks or suggestions are welcome. We did our best, but nobody is perfect. If you run into problems or need more details wiki description, please let us know. Thanks to everybody contributing.

PS @Jordi and @Wendy, I know I promised to deliver the English translation of the improved German wiki pages, how to install using cloning images. I will work on it asap, but this tool is great, so I did not wanted to wait. Also the order of the wiki pages might change, so I added the wiki page at the place I thought it is best. Changes to come... :)


jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 週一, 05/22/2017 - 06:07 發表

Hi Ralf, this is really an important contribution to help make the sanitation process much more agile, thank you to you, to Daniel and to all the team members from Labdoo Hub Düsseldorf (Germany) for this amazing contribution.

We are going to be reviewing the English descriptions for this process soon and let you know!
