Hashtags for Labdoo posts



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Hello Labdoers,

My name is Montse and since a month ago more or less, I am helping with the management of the Labdoo's social networks.
In order organice the information posted for futures search by tags I have thought about using a hashtag system that I would like to share with you and put to your consideration.

You are all invited to use them in your posts if you want, and if you think it is necessary to add more or modify one of them, please fell free to give your opinion.

1.- #NewSchoolHub
2.- #NewCityHub
3.- #NewDootrips
4.- #NewSchool
5.- #News
6.- #Ask4like
7.- #ThankyouNote
8.- #DootripsNeeded
9.- #DonorCompanies
10.- #Others

Thank you for your collaboration.



frankgeisler's 的頭像
frankgeisler 在 四, 04/05/2018 - 04:33 發表

Thanks for the info Montse, a great suggestion.

From my perspective there are two types of hashtags: one which somebody (external to Labdoo) uses to find a topic or theme, e.g. #donation or #laptopdonation and another type which we might use internally to find specific posts, e.g. #labdooedoovillage, #labdooschool, #labdoohub and so on.

On top I also use language dependent hashtags for example #bildung and #spende in German for #education and #donation in English.

If I look into the history of our posts there are also plenty of others such as #sustainabilty, #cooperation, #collaboration etc.

Also you can "piggyback" on other well known existing ones. For example if there is some relevance of our post to WEF activities then the #wef hashtag can be a great driver too.

Best wishes, Frank

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 四, 04/05/2018 - 06:07 發表

Hi Montse,

really a great suggestion. Jordi is right there are for sure more hash-tags making sense, some even depending on the content of an actual post.

I would like to add some additional ideas

  • we should use "@" as often as possible in postings on a platform of a social network. E.g. @Ubuntu or @Zambia etc. This will cause a link to the page or group of this subject. It will inform the owner of the page that we used his name. And persons who liked the reffered page will get our posting shown in their stream (not always, but often).
  • If helpful we should use local languages and use hash-tags in local languages, e.g. #sustainable = #nachhaltig etc.
  • Depending on the content of a post we should add hash-tags related to the content of the message.
  • Facebook has enabled for some pages the possibility to publish a post in several languages (see screen-shot enclosed). This will result in language-specific sub-posts and a user will see the post, which fits best to his/her language setting. It is not possible to add additional languages after published once. As already suggested in the past I am a friend of separated, language specific groups. I understand it is much work to set-up a new Facebook group in e.g. French or Spanish. But that way it should be easy to reach out for Catalan, Spanish, English etc. users?
  • Cross platform posting would be a help - publish once, get a post published automatically at LinkedIn, Google+, Xing, Twitter, our team walls etc. It was requested a few years ago as a Labdoo feature, but is not available til now. If there is no Labdoo internal tool available - is someone using an external tool to make work in social networks easier?

There are for sure many more ideas, but as a layman I have only limited knowledge and resources, so it would be interesting to learn more. Thank you.

Ralf, Labdoo.org (Germany)

Montse's 的頭像
Montse 在 四, 04/05/2018 - 14:52 發表


Frank, I like very much the idea to add the word Labdoo before the specific words as #LabdooSchool, etc.

I made a new list including your suggestion:

1.- #LabdooSchoolHub
2.- #LabdooCitylHub
3.- #LabdooDootrip
4.- #LabdooSchool / #LabdooEdoovillage
5.- #Donation #LaptopDonation
6.- #Ask4like
7.- #ThankyouNote
8.- #EducationFirst #Education
9.- #News
10.- #Sustainabilty
11.- #Cooperation
12.- #Collaboration

It is also a good idea to use the @ as Ralf mentioned, but remember that is important is not to abuse of the use of both "@ and #" because makes reading more difficult.

I order to program and post in different channels I use Hootsuit and Later.com, it might be useful if you want to try this platforms.

Now, Facebook and other social networks translate in your language. I mean if I write a post in Spanish you can ask Facebook to translate into the reader language.

I try to use English whenever I can, but in the local pages, you can keep posting in Germany or whatever, because we will be able to read them in our native language.

Thank you very much for your contributions and if someone else want to contribute, please do it... the list is not a rule, but a guide.

