HP with dual core using last English images. Screen resolution



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I'm preparing several HP computers for a trip to the Gambia. Right now, I've erased and installed Linux Mint (24_04_LTS_EN_BASIC) on two of them. I have experienced the same problem on both of them.

When I boot from the Labtix 3 USB, the computer starts with resolution 1024x768. It's the highest resolution I can get with Arandr. After the installation of the O.S. it is, also, the highest resolution (see images 8161.jpg and 8162.jpg).
These computers were working on Win 7 Pro and the installed driver had a lot of possible resolutions, among them 1440x900 which is the one of the monitors.
The driver that is installed on Linux is => " Kernel driver in use: i915" which, according to the information from Intel that I've found, is the right one.

I've searched, and I have found a solution by modifying the file .profile, both for the user labdoo and student. See image 8163.jpg

These are the lines I've added to the files (labdoo and student) .profile:

xrandr --newmode "1440x900_60.00" 106.50 1440 1528 1672 1904 900 903 909 934 -hsync +vsync

# Add the new mode to the display output
xrandr --addmode VGA-1 "1440x900_60.00"

# Set the new mode of the display output
xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode "1440x900_60.00"

There are two problems left though: the login screen is quite ugly (see image 8162.jpg) with Labdoo background cropped and secondly that I can't modify the .profile file for the user guest as it is erased at logout.

I'd like to find a solution that loads the video mode before the login screen and holds for any user.

I have tried several solutions found in Internet but none of them has worked. I don't want to mess up with the system files either as I won't be able to follow the computers in the future.

Have you found the same issue with Intel graphic cards, or know the way to solve it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


thomsen's 的頭像
thomsen 在 週六, 10/05/2024 - 17:16 發表

Hi Josepmsm,
after searching the internet I believe the Intel i915 Graphic Chip is no longer supported by the linux kernel. Older Kernels don't show this problem.

I found two possible solutions that may be helpful:


Search for the answer from SMG. She suggests to write a bootoption to /etc/default/grub . There is a link in the answer to show how to make it.

The second solutions uses xdg:


Inside /etc/xdg are the default settings for the system. This solution suggests to make a .desktop file with the xrandr-command and place it in /etc/xdg/autostart.

I hope this hints might be helpful. I cannot try them because I don't have hardware with the i915 chip.

best regards


Josepmsm's 的頭像
Josepmsm 在 周日, 10/13/2024 - 17:36 發表

Hi Thomsen,

Thank you for your kind answer.
Regarding the first solution, which seems the easier to me, I guess the instruction "video=VGA-1:e drm.edid_firmware=VGA-1:edid/1920x1080.bin" means I have to create a .bin file with the Edid instructions and adding ths instruction in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line of the grub.cfg file, I'll try to find the EDID information for the display and give it a try. What worries me is that we have a bunch of different displays, I mean different brands. I'll check if the EDID information is the same for some of them, so I can keep the same grub.cfg for all the PC's we are sanitizing.
I've tried the 2nd solution without success. I have created the .desktop file under /etc/xdg/autostart and it works fine when I double click on it but nothing happens when I reboot the computer. I think I have to put a link somewhere but I don't know where. If in the startup file it only works after login in, not before showing the login screen.

I'll keep trying and I'll come back to tell about the results,

Kind Regards
Josep M.

Josepmsm's 的頭像
Josepmsm 在 週一, 10/28/2024 - 09:42 發表

Hi Thomsen

I've found the Edid instructions for some of the monitors that we have received. There are at least ten different branches and/or models. The Edid instructions are different for, mostly, each one of them. This means I've to modify the grub.cfg file with a different .bin file for each computer, and monitors couldn't be exchanged among them.
I have decided to modify the file .profile adding the configuration of all the resolutions of the monitors donated. I have left as default the one that is more common and, via the screen application, the user can choose among the already installed configurations, in case they need to.
This is a very particular case of donation / travel. I think it isn't worth spending more time on a case that would seldom happen in the future. I think that, having the possibility of selecting the right resolution, solves the problem of having an uncomfortable / ugly desktop environment.
Thank you again for your suggestions, they were really helpul.

Kind Regards

Josep M