Labdoo Stories - ideas



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During the first phases of project Labdoo we've focused primarily on the problem of efficiently collecting, sanitizing and moving unused laptops. As this part of the project becomes step by step more robust, we would like to start focusing on the problem of providing better support to the schools receiving the laptops and tablets. So far we have developed some features that do focus on the school side, for instance:

But we know the above is not enough. Here is one idea, "Labdoo Stories", that i think will be good to work on next. This idea comes also from collecting feedback some of you have provided, so thanks!

The idea of "Labdoo Stories" is to provide a channel for each school to express their story. This feature implemented into the platform would allow schools to explain subjects such as 'what is the story of your school', 'what are your goals and challenges', 'how are you using the laptops and how are they helping to achieve your goals', or collect in general any feedback on how to improve the Labdoo platform. The story-telling template may also add the capability to upload drawings.

Here is an example of a recent story we composed for one of the school:

This story was written by the Labdoo team, the idea about "Labdoo Stories" is to let the schools explain their own story.

In addition to providing a channel to let schools express themselves, this stories would also help provide transparency and openness to the project. It would allow donors and volunteers to understand more where their laptops are being deployed and how they are being used, providing constructive feedback.

The idea would be to implement this as part of the semaphore workflow as follows:

  1. Edoovillage is first created, semaphore goes to red. No laptops can be sent yet.
  2. Pictures of the school are received, semaphore goes to orange. A few laptops can be sent.
  3. School writes their "story article" and send pictures of the first laptops, semaphore goes to green. The rest of the laptops can be sent.

@Janice sent me a few days ago a framework for story telling that i think can be helpful to create the template for the schools:

Any thoughts?



Eisvogel's 的頭像
Eisvogel 在 週一, 05/16/2016 - 19:45 發表

a good idea! But also a lot of work.

I think the easiest and most practicable way is to send as little questionnaire with the laptops. Something like that registration form, but focusing on tthe questions you mentioned in your post above. Maybe something like a written interviewspace with questions like:
*What is the story of your school, how did it start and why?
*If there are any special challenges (e.g. blind or impaired pupils) how exactly do our laptops help? What are the pupil s main social challenges and how does labdoo help to solve them?

janicew's 的頭像
janicew 在 週一, 05/16/2016 - 20:40 發表

Agree re questionnaire. This will make reporting back easier for the schools. You can include questions from the registration form such as location, number of teachers, and number of students so that this information is seen together with and provides context for their story.

In addition to the questions Eisvogel suggested above, we could also ask:
*Share your vision for the school.
*How has your school affected the students and your local community?
*Is there a specific example you would like to share of the impact the laptops have had on a teacher and/or on a student?

jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 三, 05/18/2016 - 07:23 發表

Yes the goal is to keep things as simple as possible. The form will be very concise and address the main key subjects of the story.

I agree that we can include the form as part of the package with the laptops in case they have difficulty getting online but the most practical way to get their stories into the Labdoo system is to allow them to directly write their story online on the platform. I understand that it may be challenging for some schools but the most scalable way to be able to share the labdoo stories is to decentralized this task and have the school teachers and students do so directly. A centralized approach would take a lot of effort.

Another reason to get schools to write their stories online is because we want them to be connected to use tools such as the Labdoo Global Support system, which we think can benefit them substantially in the long run. Today many schools still do not know that this Labdoo tools exist and can help them resolve technical questions through the Labdoo volunteers network. We are looking for a comprehensive support system here, Labdoo Stories is one more piece of it.

I like very much all your proposed questions for the Labdoo Story template. Could you please write them down in this doc so we can track them and decide the final set of questions? thanks.

Eisvogel's 的頭像
Eisvogel 在 二, 05/17/2016 - 11:37 發表

I mostly agree with you and please take in account, that many people don't really feel addressed when you use the centralised solution. Some just fewer comfortable with how it works-on doesn't work. For that I am not sure, if the semaphore solution will be enough and some may be it is possible to implement a feature that sends a request after some time automatic.

janicew's 的頭像
janicew 在 三, 05/18/2016 - 22:40 發表

By the way, I used Typeform a free web survey tool, to gather information from women for a past project I was working on. The user interface is very clean and simple. We could use it for Labdoo should you decide to employ a questionnaire. It might be more inviting than a google form and has a nice dashboard. The link below is the survey I created as an example of what is possible. (You can scroll through the survey without answering the questions.) We could add our own graphics including illustrations from Luis.

Also, you can export the data. I used the free version with limited reporting and so am not sure how the data is formatted when exported.

Eisvogel's 的頭像
Eisvogel 在 四, 05/19/2016 - 10:02 發表

Good point, "janicrew! To me, it is perfect to be is in the final version of our questionnaire. But that should be the second step.

I think it's a good idea first to have brainstorming session to collect all possible questions for that questionnaire, and designed later wish ones we should take. The Google documents document to me is sufficient for that.

Perhaps it is a good idea to implement a special team for the issue.

jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 週五, 05/20/2016 - 10:01 發表

That sounds great... i really like the format proposed by Janice using 'typeform'. And thanks everyone for adding your questions to the doc (, feel free to review&add more and then we will do a selection to ensure the template is concise, simple, and comprehensive.

There is a chance i may be able to implement something like 'typeform' using a similar technology called 'webform', and have it running directly inside the Labdoo platform for free and glued with the rest of the Labdoo workflow. If we take this approach, then we can have all stories neatly integrated into the system for a more seamless experience. Requires some investigation prior to deciding. The idea of adding illustrations is also great.

I agree with Eisvogel also that the semaphore is not enough and will require some type of automation. We will get to those details too.

janicew's 的頭像
janicew 在 週五, 05/20/2016 - 21:54 發表

It would be great if you could integrate the questionnaire into the Labdoo platform. I also added my questions to the google doc. I love collaboration!

Eisvogel's 的頭像
Eisvogel 在 二, 05/24/2016 - 14:27 發表

Yesterday again I was wondering about our projects with storytelling. As far as I have heard from others, it is a kind of problem to obtain stories or photos from from schools and projects.

Maybe the questionnaire what makes things easier for those schools, because they only have to work question after question and maybe add some photos after

I am not sure, if those semaphore technology would work in our case-normally, I am glad if there is someone who wants to transport the laptops to the needy schools. I think a semaphore for that would be to complicated and to me the objective to implement the questionnaire into the platform and adding the link to the papers with the laptops should be enough.

What do you think?

wendy's 的頭像
wendy 在 二, 05/24/2016 - 16:16 發表

Having the edoovillage volunteers take care of our laptops and using them to spread education is already a big job which I sincerely appreciate. Having LGS (Labdoo Global Support) implemented to help them reach out whenever problems occur is a big plus. Encouraging them write about how they benefited from and appreciate Labdoo may be an extra effort and I personally don't like to add burdens to our edoovillages or make them feel obligated to do so.

However, I started a a small project called "Labdoo Travel" ( ) The idea is to build a collection of Travelling ebooks written by Labdoo kids and make our edoovillages feel proud that they also participate Labdoo. So far we have 3 ebooks to share ( )

The travel ebook gives our traveling volunteers an opportunity to interact with students. With very simple instructions and tips, it only takes them about 2 hours to collect and bring back the drawings so our edoovillages love it. (The soon-to-be-released Tijuana ebook got done with a day trip:)

It's still in them implementation stage since I am still trying to find the best way to make it as easy as possible for volunteers to publish the ebooks themselves. But it can also be another possible way to hear stories from our edoovilages?:)

jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 週六, 05/28/2016 - 10:16 發表

Thanks very much Wendy for sharing the Labdoo Travel books, i agree they are great. I think we should also provide a way to incorporate them into the Labdoo Story framework.

The idea of Labdoo Stories is to provide a channel for the recipient schools to speak and share their experiences. If we look at all the Labdoo News streams, we have a lot of information about the hubs, but much less about the schools. With the current workflow, we only get pictures, but do not know of their stories. The schools is the main reason we do what we do. Amazing stories like the little girl Zeph in Pakistan or Jampa in Tibet are stories that are very worth sharing, because they help us understand the realities and are also stories of hope and courage. Another important reason is transparency.

I think we can extend the Labdoo Story framework to support stories written by 'dootrippers', 'hubs' or 'labdooers' in general such as Labdoo Travels, because these are also great stories.

jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 周日, 12/11/2016 - 09:11 發表

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that the feature Labdoo Stories is now completed and as of now, you can start using it.

Since we started Labdoo, we have always wanted to bring up and share stories in one way or another. For instance, Wendy has worked in the past in putting together Labdoo stories related to traveling experiences, and as you know last year we edited a Labdoo Stories Booklet that was presented at the conference in Barcelona.

The new Stories feature allows us to integrate all this work directly into the Labdoo platform, this way users can connect edoovillages and hubs directly with their truly inspiring stories, helping bring more awareness, transparency and the joy of sharing our little things in life with the rest of humanity.

Labdoo Stories are very simple to write. This new wiki page explains how you can do that.

Here is an example of an edoovillage story (please click on the "Story" tab and then on "Read more"):

And here is an example of a hub story (also click on Story tab etc):

The goal is very simple: to give more visibility to the inspiring work done by all the Labdoo schools and hubs around the world by letting all of you write about your stories.

To make this iniciative successful, we are hoping to get your help. It is not mandatory to write stories, but we should encourage each other to write them. So we'd like to ask you to step by step keep encouraging your schools and your peer hubs to write about their story, and to be an example yourself by writing your own hub or school story too.

As mentioned, please read the wiki page for quick and more detailed info on how Stories work. For an even quicker shortcut, you can just go to your hub or school page right now and click on the green pencil icon on the right column where it says "Write a story about this hub/school" to start writing your story and use the tab "Story" to visualize it.

Happy story telling everyone and thank you for all the amazing team work everyone of you do to help spread education.

(PS: For those interested in the source code, here is the implementation code.)