Language Support Trouble



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Good afternoon from Santiago Atitlán.

I have been trying to reconfigure my computer language on a Lenovo Thinkpad with an Ubuntu 16.04 system installed. I know that this computer is connected to the internet because I double checked by going on its browser, but whenever I try to change the computer language to Spanish through Language Support, it says that my connection is down.

When I open Language Support, the computer tells me that "Language support is not installed completely." I click install and enter my password, but in the details reiterates that it has trouble connecting. I also tried going straight to Install / Remove Languages directly and adding Spanish there, but in "Details" I consistently receive this explanation for the inability to install Spanish as the machine's language:

Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80

Could anyone help me with this? I can also write this question in Spanish. My email is

Thank you!


Gusen's 的頭像
Gusen 在 三, 02/06/2019 - 11:47 發表

El error que te da es por qué el servidor de donde obtiene las actualizaciones no es accesible o no es correcto.

Es difícil solucionar esto por email, si tienes internet busca. Si abres la aplicación de instalación de software que lleva Ubuntu por defecto, en los menús busca la opción de repositorios. Veo que tienes una línea específica para thunderbird, el gestor de correo electrónico, inicialmente yo la borraría o desabilitaria. Y dejaría solo el servidor genérico de la distribución.

Una vez hecho esto, actualizas el sistema y todo tendría que ir bien.

No sé qué nivel tienes con Linux, si lo crees necesario, nos podríamos conectar y te hago una leve introducción sobre el tema, problema o lo que necesites.