Lubuntu 16.04 LTS



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This conversation can be used to collect your ideas and suggestions for upcoming Lubuntu 16.04 LTS.

In a few weeks Lubuntu 16.04 LTS will be officially released. A pre-release can already be downloaded and tested. Labdoos dootronics should base on a stable version so I recommend to wait for Lubuntu 16.04.1, which should be available in May(?), 2016.

For some weeks / months the 14.04 based images will be maintained parallel to the new 16.04 LTS images for cloning, but due to work for updating, time for upload and double storage capacity it is planned to end support for 14.04 LTS later in 2016. Don't worry, for installed and delivered dootronics you will get updates for 14.04 LTS from the Lubuntu community until 2019.

Information were published in web that 16.04 LTS

  • might ask for more system resources,
  • might stop support for 32 Bit CPUs (which would cause problems for Labdoo).

We will check, watch and test that.

Here are some questions of mine:

  • How important is a 32 Bit release for your hub? (As Labdoo gets a lot of older laptops donated I assume that 32 Bit version is very important for us. If so and if (L)Ubuntu might stop 32 Bit versions in the future it might happen that we have to either stay with an older (L)Ubuntu release, switch to another distribution offering 32 Bit support or ...)
  • Do you use VirtualBox often? Or would prefer to run an installscript, when you need it?
  • I suggest to drop the by Labdoo collected educational content in the folder /home/labdoo/Public/eBooks (900 MB), even I contributed to this collection some years ago. The reasons for suggesting to drop these eBooks: Since we use Xowa, Wikidoo and RACHEL there are much better ways to included open educational resources. And 16.04. will use more disc-space, so we have to save disc-capacity somewhere else.

As all these changes have to be prepared in time, will cause changes in scripts, manuals/wikis and processes, please start now to contribute. Please post her your need, ideas or suggestion, what we should include, drop or improve for the Lubuntu 16.04 LTS based systems.


jordi's 的頭像
jordi 在 周日, 03/20/2016 - 18:35 發表

Ralf regarding the 32 bit question, today it is still important, but in the future it will become less relevant as 64 bit computers have been around for a while already. So for this release, i would suggest to still support 32 bit. For 18.04, we may stop supporting and ask people to rely on previous releases if it makes things simpler. We will evaluate when time comes.

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 周日, 04/03/2016 - 13:26 發表

Do you want us to use a Labdoo wallpaper on each Lubuntu desktop? Then we should agree to a common template to be shown on all desktops of all Labdoo laptops. How about using the standard wallpaper of Lubuntu 16.04 LTS (not out yet) and add something like "concept by" or similar and

Here is a draft based on the wallpaper of Lubuntu 15.10., just to show the idea. As I am not a good artist maybe you have better templates (at least I hope). Please let me know your ideas, text, icon, graphic to be used :)

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 週一, 04/25/2016 - 07:38 發表

report experiences using Lubuntu 16.04 LTS:

  • wall paper ready to use (see enclosure), part of 16.04 images; remember to scale the wallpaper properly when you install it manually (needs su rights)
  • installing 16.04 LTS on older CPUs: installed PAE 32 16.04 image on a Dell Latitude D510 (PAE32 1300 CPU), booting did not finish correctly, was only able to boot in recovery mode; same image being used for a Dell Latitude D610 (PAE32 1860 CPU) worked fine
  • install scripts work on 16.04 LTS, but adding and installing from external PPAs by script/shell showed some problems; was only able to install .deb files manually (under investigation)
  • Windows 10 theme:, works well for both users in 32 bit release, but using 64 bit release the GUI for user student looks like Windows 95 (reported to theme developer team)
  • nonPAE32 CPU: could not be tested yet as no nonPAE laptop in stock :(

The first images for Cloning for 32 and 64 Bit are now ready for downloading and testing (but we expect a frequently update of these images during the next weeks)
32 Bit:
64 Bit:

The other images for cloning will be updated one by one during the days / weeks, as soon as we get more disc space for our FTP server (thanks to i2cat in Barcelona sponsoring the additional disc space).

There will be a sub-folder ../images/archive_14_04_LTS soon to keep the "old" 14.04 LTS based images for a while. So if you run into a problem using 16.04 LTS please report it and use the 14.04 LTS version instead until solved for 16.04 LTS.

(to be continued)

wendy's 的頭像
wendy 在 週五, 04/29/2016 - 14:23 發表

Ralf, great idea! Can you send me the standard desktop without the word ""? Maybe I can create a different flavor for you to preview. Thanks!

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 週五, 04/29/2016 - 15:09 發表

Hi Wendy,

yes, please find uploaded 4 wallpapers (2 x the original wallpaper of 14.04 and 16.04 and for each release the version I worked out so-far).

Please keep in mind the wallpaper will be adapted (re-sized) to the screen ratio and size you are using. So in a 4:3 screen the letters will look leaner, on a wide screen 16:9 it will be broader.

Until I get your improved version I inserted the modified Labdoo wallpaper into the images for cloning.

To install the wallpaper manually you need super-user rights to get access to folder /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpaper/.... In case of questions let me know. Thank you for your help.

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 週五, 04/29/2016 - 17:38 發表

Both are nice. At Lubuntu the default position of the start button is the left lower screen corner. So I am not sure about wallpaper2. But what do other Labdooers think?

I remember one remark from Frank, that he preferred to have in the wallpaper. So user can easier find us in web, of they want.

It is also possible to about several wallpapers and user can select the one they want to use...

Can you please work out both designs for both (14.04 and 16.04), so we have 4 wallpapers. I will upload them into the images for cloning next time.

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub 在 週六, 04/30/2016 - 11:02 發表

Experience using 16.04 LTS. After having installed first computer using 16.04 a short feedback:

16.04 seems to ask for similar resources as 14.04, the speed of a computer seems to be comparable to 14.04 (booting time, user impression).

The support for AMD video tool fglrx was dropped; the new AMDGPU and the known RADEON will support AMD video cards; but older AMD cards are not supported well, instead more actual AMD cards are now supported. Usually you are able to boot and start those unsupported laptops by using the recovery mode. This will activate a kind of emergency video driver with minimum capability. To do some testing it is ok, but not for practical usage. If you have trouble starting AMD based laptops please use our 14.04 based images.

Had also problems using Intel based video cards. Driver seems to be late for 16.04, so let's hope this will be completed during next months.
(to be continued)