New folder structure on FTP server | Neue Ordnerstruktur auf FTP Server



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As the Labdoo installation tool Labtix and images for cloning are used more frequently, we received several questions and support requests. We summarized those and decided to syncronize the file structure on our USB installation disc drives and FTP server. Soe problem helpers ran into was that

  • there was not one single folder on the FTP server keeping tools, images and wikis, but it was spread in several folders on FTP. As on the USB-disc-drive everything was put together.
  • helpers were not aware that they had to unpack images archives after downloading before they were able to install them. Again, you will now find unpacked archives in a folder for each image. As the data itself was packed before you don't have to download more data. But there are now several files in a folder and that needs a new method to download. Giving users support helpers spent a lot of time finding out, how the data was kept at the Labdoo helper, asking for support. Now folder, sub-folder and folder content on installation media should be identical for all helpers world-wide.

You will find everything explained well here You can either mirror this folder to a 1 TB-disc drive or download just those parts you need. Don't worry, the user "labdoo" (password: labdoo) has only the right to read. So you cannot delete any data on FTP server by mistake.

Important: The folder will be used for other purposes soon, renamed and kept as archive folder. So please don't use it from now on. If there are ongoing downloads please make sure they come to an end before February 28th, 2019. Then the images in this folder will be removed. If you are running local e.g. rsync processes on your LAN server, please modify your scripts to the new folder structure.

We updated the English and German wiki pages carefully. If you find any dead link or want parts to be explained better, please contact Hub München (Javier, for EN and ES wiki) or me (Hub Rhein-Ruhr, Ralf, for DE and EN wiki).

Important, improved connection to FTP server, e.g. for Windows file manager!
As you might use the FTP server more frequently or you want to download several folders and its content more easily, we added and explained new methods to connect using Windows, Apple or Linux:

You will find the detailed overview, wiki and video tutorials here
E.g. if you follow these wiki you are able to add the FTP server as a drive to your Windows file manager, like a local disc or server drive. This is very handy :) and many requested this way of connecting to FTP server. Beside that Filezilla and other tools are explained more in details, some coming with a video tutorial.

Javier and me are interested in your feedback. Could you install Swish? Does the wiki page makes sense to you? Could you connect your Windows PC to FTP server? Is something missing on the page for other users?
In case of any question please contact Javier or me.

Thank you, especially those have contributed to this new concept, reporting problems they had or suggesting improvements.

Javier, Hub München
Ralf, Hub Rhein-Ruhr

Labdoo is not responsible for 3rd party software. Labdoo ist nicht für Software anderer Anbieter verantwortlich.