Edoovillage #1946 - Senegal, Gandiol: Hahatay son risas de Gandiol



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Edoovillage #1946 - Senegal, Gandiol: Hahatay son risas de Gandiol


Hahatay son risas de Gandiol
Pilote Barre. Gandiol, Saint Louis
15° 53' 37.3812" N, 16° 30' 12.6684" W
Hahatay son risas de Gandiol
7 300

Hahatay son risas de Gandiol
6.1 Nom complet (*): Lorenzo Favarato
6.2 Telèfon (*): +221784403678
6.3 Correu electrònic (*): calidad@hahatay.org
6.4 Adreça física de l'organització (carrer, ciutat , codi postal, país ...) (*):
Pilote Barre, Gandiol, Saint-Louis Senegal
Coordenades GPS 6,5 (feu clic a l’enllaç per trobar les coordenades:
https://www.gps-coordinates.net o https://support.google.com/maps / answer / 18539) (*):


“Hahatay son risas de Gandiol” (https://hahatay.org/) és una organització no governamental de
desenvolupament comunitari, la fi del qual és donar una resposta eficaç i eficient a les migracions
forçades que priven Àfrica de la seva joventut i esperança. El seu objectiu és apoderar i implicar les i
els joves com a veritables protagonistes per a la millora de les seves vides. És així mateix, un espai
de trobada que uneix a un grup de persones amb la mateixa inquietud i el compromís d'implicar-se
per un desenvolupament humà integral.
i) instal·lar una intranet que interconnectin els espais estratègics de Hahatay.
En cada espai marcat es planteja col·locar un Access Point i interconectar de manera cablejada tots
els AP.

ii) instal·lar serveis per a la millora del flux de treball diari del personal de Hahatay.

● Un servidor on emmagatzemar contingut audiovisual (el centre té una emissora de ràdio
● Una intranet que permet intercanvi de flux d'informació entre usuaris del centre dins de la
xarxa local.
● Una base de dades per la gestió de préstecs, socis, inventari de llibres i gestió de les hores
dels ordinadors.
iii) instal·lar una sala d'informàtica amb continguts didàctics a la biblioteca.
Per part de poder assolir el punt iii), ens agradaria poder comptar amb l'ajuda de Labdoo per
proporcionar 8 ordinadors per la biblioteca del centre. Aquests ordinadors serviran perquè els joves
del centre puguin accedir a eines digitals per tal de preparar, dissenyar i desenvolupar activitats de
manera digital; perquè usuaris externs puguin fer un ús lúdic dels ordinadors i per poder impartir

Green: the rest of the dootronics can be sent
Wolof, French
Wolof, French
220-240 Volts
Wired or Wireless
Date it was created: 21/12/20/
Date it was last updated: 16/09/24


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[Click here to see in detail all the dootronics for this edoovillage]

Dootronic ID 國家 狀態 Model Serial number Weight
000026758 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used accer aspire 5750G 2634G50Mnbb
000027796 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used toshiba satelite C660-22X 7B454359K
000027798 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Compaq 610 CNU00354W3
000027924 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP ProBook 4530s CNU12119XW
000027925 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP 255 G3 Notebook CND4341MPL
000027950 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Compaq nx 7300 CNU6483N78
000027951 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Acer NB-TMB115-M-C9RK NXVA1EB004426187FC7610
000027957 Senegal [L1] Dootronic was lost Apple MacBook Pro 13-Inch "Core i7" 2.8 Late 2011 C02HF417DV14
000027962 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Hp ProBook 640 G1 5CG5011WWT
000034760 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 15-n014ss 5CD3463HCX
000034761 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3168NGW CND840477D
000034762 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3168NGW CDN738386P
000034763 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3165NGW CND71514PF
000034764 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3165NGW CND7134S4J
000034765 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3165NGW CND6481D11
000034767 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3168NGW CND7386MJ1
000034790 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 3165NGW CND7094XTF
000034795 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used 7265NGZ 5CG7324A91
000034796 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HSN-IO2C-4 5CG7280L0C
000034797 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled PAV70 LUSDE0D106038439721601
000034809 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 840 G1 5CG445675T
000036089 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Air 2019 FVFZ20EVLYWR
000036090 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Air 2019 FVFZ20F5LYWR
000036100 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Pro 2020 C02D4226P3YV
000036103 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Pro 2020 C02D4223P3YV
000036104 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Pro 2020 C02CP62SP3YV
000036106 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Pro 2020 C02D21PEP3YV
000036108 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Macbook Pro 2020 C02DM5E6P3YV
000040413 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 840 G3 5CG6491XJQ 1.48Kgms
000040444 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 840 G3 5CG6491XDS 1.48Kgms
000041008 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 840 G3 5CG80609QP 1.48Kgms
000041009 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elitebook 840 G3 5CG8233G1G 1.48Kgms
000046769 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Inspiron 13 5000 3YWF902
000046805 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Dell Inspuiron 7347 2XQBF32
000046970 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP ProBook 6360b 2CE1410V1Q
000047588 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used MacBook Pro (2010) C02G240JDH2L
000047737 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Asus tablet amb teclat 11 pulgadas DCN0BC116737524
000047808 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Mac Mini C07VM2GGG1J2
000047809 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Inspiron 23HK1Z1
000047810 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled MacBook Pro (2010) W892770SK66J
000047811 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used hp ProBook 430 G3 5CD5506QG2
000048092 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude 3490 GG5N7T2


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Dootrip #DepartureOrigin目的地狀態CapacityDootronics assigned
Dootrip #0000016992021-02-20T19:00:00Barcelona, SpainGandiol, Saint-Louis Senegal, SenegalCompleted99
Dootrip #0000018802022-03-01T17:00:00Barcelona, SpainGandiol, Saint-Louis Senegal, SenegalCompleted1514
Dootrip #0000039042024-01-20T14:00:00Barcelona, SpainGandiol, Saint-Louis, SenegalPending89
Dootrip #0000043642025-01-19T18:30:00Barcelona, SpainGandiol, Saint-Louis, Senegal, SenegalPending100


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