Nepal, Phulkharka: Mandali-Technical-School (for Agriculture)
Nawaraj Adhikari Leiter von Ecotours (Himalaya Kathmandu) Phone: 9851115541 (not easy to get link)
Hans Huber: Filialleiter vom Reisebüro Ruefa, Zell am See
Project description:
The earthquake of 25th April 2015 did not left any back up in the village of center Nepal… One of the schools we were supporting last many years were Mandali Technical School (Agriculture) which has 700 total students. Out of 700 students close to 160 students (48 on class 9, 48 on class 10, 48 on class 11 and 48 on class 12) will be technical students by coming academic year 2017 they are students of agriculture and each of them need a good laptop as part of their subjects.
On this moment there are only.
Organization: Holy Himalaya Trust (
28.064350, 84.920357
School Name
Mandali Higher Secondary (Technical) School
Phulkharka 2, Dhading, Nepal
Actual information about the school and the situation at 06.06.2016
We (Holy Himalaya Trust-community/ social organization) are running hostels and currently we do have 3 girls and 3 boys 1 teacher + 3 workers, and animals.
The Students are studying agriculture and once we do have more budget we will have more students in our trust running camp (sewalaya or support center)which is on operation from this April and you (Labdoo) were the first to support after Ellen (Josef Memorial Fund).
28.064350, 84.920357
School Name
Mandali Higher Secondary (Technical) School
PO Bos 19538, Phulkharka 2, Dhading, Nepal
Actual information about the school and the situation at 06.06.2016
We (Holy Himalaya Trust-community/ social organization) are running hostels and currently we do have 3 girls and 3 boys 1 teacher + 3 workers, and of cause lots of animals.
The Students are studying agriculture and once we do have more budget we will have more students…
The center is called 'sewalay-montary' (help center) which is located in remote village of Nepal called Phulkhrka, North Dhading. This project we just started from April this year and you (Labdoo) were the first to support after Ellen (Josef Memorial Fund) even it is only 2 computers. we just bought 8 sets of chair and table for the students to use on their study and using computer.
Sewalaya, Montari owned by Holy Himalaya Trust is using this computers and unto 10 we will be using on our center. If more comes we will handover to schools. They do have lots of kids and lots of needs… we can not do right now.
News about Laptops from Labdoo: (Feedback)
Despite some problems about laptops iin this Project we continued to support another school in this area from the same organisation and it was worth to continue, because there is a good response coming back.
Pragya Kandel: a young agriculture graduate girl just visit montari and return. This is from her face book…(2nd 3rd is pictures of Pragya from montari/gangajamuna)
-"My trip to Mantari is something I would cherish throughout my life. A week long stay as a trainer for agriculture to students of the Mandali Higher Secondary school was very special to me. In my visit to school , I found it as a very lively place and the school had well equipped classrooms, library , laboratories, sports materials was very surprising to see in that part of Nepal . Mantari was no less, It was like a small model of a typical Nepal, where the houses were of mud, a free open place to roam, the animals, the fresh vegetable and fruit from garden which was maintained by students residing on hostel and well facilitated with basic things needed. Interaction with students and teaching them how to maximize the use of the laptops they were recently granted for obtaining knowledge in various aspects in field of agriculture was a step for them in world of ICT and practice some innovative way of farming. The students were very keen to learn new things and up most was their heart was so pure and full of love. They even took me to gangajanuma waterfall which was 3 hrs walk from Mantari. It was indeed an amazing place. Overall my visit to Mantari was full of new experience."
from her face book
Nancy Craft, Katsu Ishida, Kashikuma san and Salthi Team, Hans Huber (Josef Family) are the key people on all the activities while we started in mid of 1990’s! AS you all can guess it was smaller on scale and all the supporting team were our friends who visited us as trekkers or Nepal lovers and many of them were keep leading the groups to the Himalaya.
Letter on Massimo and Arthur join together on this campaign and the horizon of our informal social activities grown up rapidly. The 2015’s devastating earthquake push many good heart friends on our support cycle. With in very short time we started to receive lots of support and commitment which was almost closer to 500,000US$... Many family members (home/Holy Himalaya-Eco trek) who are migrated many parts of world also part of it on this funding rising activities.
Close to 50,000US$ were distributed in cash and form or other such as rice, tent, etc. Most of the fund were for school rebuilding. Friuli Mandi (Massimo-close to 300,000Euro back up on rebuilding projects) and KASIN (Pat), Sathi Team (Kashikuma san), Barbara (Josef Memorial) were sending 30,000US$ or more…. 5 schools building and all the infrastructure were made possible because of them and many of our friends. Shanmugam on behalf of Singapore Kailash Family arrived Kathmandu within a week and handover good amount of cash (close to 11000SQD) and other medical items. It was amazing to see how the real friendship works to acts when a crisis arrives. A millions of thanks goes to each of you and all who are behind you and your team/ family. Many does not want to mention even their name on it. Nancy, Laura(Telluride) always acts supper fast, Sally (SA).
Currently most of our projects are running very well. And all the friends are always willing to support on needs. Massimo, Pat, Mayo (Sathi) are still crossing their eyes on this destination to be sure that nothing is lack there.
Labdoo, thank you so much for your computer supports plan. Pat (UK) made it possible with backing up internet and power supplies on it.
Now we have turned ourselves more formal with name of Holy Himalaya Trust. Be with us always on needs. Each support is bring lots of lights on the remote destination
Jyoti Adhiari
Team Leader-Holy Himalaya Trust.
Date it was last updated: 08/04/18