Remove /Public folder from FTP server?



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please add your comments - years ago a copy of the /Public folder and all its content and sub-folders was put on our FTP server But I personal did not use (download) it for ages, as the /Public folder is part of all images for cloning.

Is there any need to have access to the /Public folder? If not, I would suggest to remove it from the FTP server. In the past users reported problems to download it via file explorer or rsync anyway.

As a compromise I can generate a tar.gz archive out of the /Public folder and upload it to the wiki-archive folder

What do you think?

Ralf, Labdoo (Germany)


jprisab's 的頭像
jprisab 在 週五, 07/20/2018 - 05:56 發表

Hello Ralf,

to be honest, I still find useful that some of the contents are available directly in the FTP, for example I still go from time to time to the folders
for reference.

I know that some of the information contained there is also copied on some other folders of the FTP (ie the German videos are also in [], but not all the spanish ones are contained on other places (or at least not that I am aware of...)

So MY proposal:
- Yes to delete of that "Public" folder
-But first, making sure we have all the info consolidated, so that all the videos under [] are in the future also contained in their respective [] folder