Edoovillage #1199 - Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Mbagala-Chamazi : Mkombozi Montessori Primary School | Kongregation der Schwestern des Erlösers
[02.2019] Appriciation for the 30 computer for our school
The administration, pupils, teaching staff and non-teaching staff of Mkombozi Montessori Chamzi Dar es salaam together with the Sisters of of the Holy Redeemer in Tanzania extend their thank to Labdoo organization for providing us with thirty laptop computers up to the present. These computer are to be used to teach our pupils computer skills to enable them compete with the current world of technology.
This will also help the staff to gain more computer skills and easy research for the pupils since computers have got useful programs to enable effective learning pupils.
I have attached copies of photographs which were taken during computer classes in our school.
Thanks a lot,
Sr. Elvira Lilungulu CSR
School Administrator
4.1. Name: Sister Tadea und Sister Veronika
4.2. Telefon: 00 255/786 869 540 oder 00 255/782 196 194
4.3. Email: msr.tadea@ymail.com oder veronikatimalias@yahoo.com
IT-Unterrricht für Schüler/-innen zum Erlernen von IT-Fähigkeiten
Date it was last updated: 12/03/19