Edoovillage #1776 - Germany, Munich: Netzwerk Soforthilfe für Geflüchtete München
We really appreciate the possibility you provide us to keep socialworking going!
On-site contact: Daria Estella Rühl
Managers: Caroline Hartl, Johanna Schlehuber, Daria Estella Rühl
The Project was founded due to the Coronavirus making socialwork with refugees almost impossible. It consists of different workgroups, in wich we find fast and low-thresold solutions to keep support for refugees going, provide information about the Virus and the applying rules and finding a way of participating. The workgroups involved in this request are Educational Help for Pupils, Educational Help for Adults and Psychosocial Support. We want Refugees living in shared accomodations, who are isolated due to the infection protection act, to have access to the internet and therefore to educational offers and psychosocial support. Its common that refugees have smartphones but only prepaid service and no access to WIFI, so working via the internet is difficult. Besides technical support, tasks and learning materials we organise volunteers for tutoring and coaching.
Date it was last updated: 25/09/21