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Labdoo Catalonia

Eulalia's 的頭像
Submitted by Eulalia | Last mesage on 四, 05/21/2020 - 10:20 | 1 comment(s)
He intentat diverses opcions per arrencar-lo i no me'n surto. La darrera que he provat és : Legacy enabled A Boot configuration tinc UEFI disabled i PXE ROM enabled i a Boot options priorities, boot option 1 USB. Alguna cosa no deu ser correcta, oi? He provat el pen i el cd i res de res
Eulalia's 的頭像
Submitted by Eulalia | Last mesage on 週五, 05/01/2020 - 18:13 | 2 comment(s)
Intento arrencar un Acer Aspire one des del Pendrive i no puc passar de les pantalles que mostro en les fotografies que adjunto. Alguna idea per desencallar? La teva pregunta em va fer pensar que no havia donat encara l'ordre d'instal·lar la imatge i que, per tant, podria ser problema del pendrive. Avui he n'he creat un de nou i ha funcionat. Moltes gràcies
Eulalia's 的頭像
Submitted by Eulalia | Last mesage on 三, 04/22/2020 - 19:13 | 1 comment(s)
Vull canviar l'ordre del Boot perquè arrenqui des del disc dur, un cop ja he esborrat el disc i la imatge. He aconseguit accedir a la bios, però no hi ha manera de trobar l'opció adequada. Adjunto la foto de la pantalla.

Labdoo Global Support (LGS)

eparpal's 的頭像
Submitted by eparpal | Last mesage on 三, 05/13/2020 - 19:29 | 6 comment(s)
Hi, Is there any trick to quickly get the specifications form a laptop? I heard some volunteers keep a script in the labtix pendrive which returns this info very easily to help tag them Thanks
PFI-PTT Sant Cugat's 的頭像
Submitted by PFI-PTT Sant Cugat | Last mesage on 週五, 05/08/2020 - 05:18 | 2 comment(s)
El ordenador 000022271 no se enciende con la bateria. Hace como si arrancara pero enseguida se queda la pantalla negra. Le hemos quitado la batería i connectado directamente a la corriente y se enciende hasta llegar a una pantalla que nos dice: Busybox v1.27.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.27.2-2ubuntu3.2) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initramfs) Aquí podemos escribir...
tinplate's 的頭像
Submitted by tinplate | Last mesage on 二, 04/28/2020 - 13:08 | 2 comment(s)
Hola, Si detectáis que el arranque de un portátil con labdoo es muy lento, aquí describo una posible razón y la solución asociada. Para comprobar si éste es el error, abrir un terminal y ejecutar: cat /var/log/syslog | grep drm_kms_ | grep timed Si aparecen errores "drm_kms_helper", seguir las instrucciones más abajo. Por ejemplo: Apr 26 20:41:58...
Annuska74's 的頭像
Submitted by Annuska74 | Last mesage on 三, 04/22/2020 - 22:12 | 1 comment(s)
Si me conecto pero no puedo abrir otra página con Google para poder bajar aplicación classroom o meet para conectarse profesorado Anna Ventura +34611192593

Coffee Shop

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on 二, 05/05/2020 - 09:51 | 2 comment(s)
Hello, to make Labdoos contribution related to Corona / COVID-19 better visible on our web-site we are going to add COVID-19 to the name of an edoovillage. If you visit and type-in COVID-19 into free-text search, you will get a list of all projects worldwide, where Labdoo contributed to help during Corona crisis. If you...

Labdoo D A CH

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's 的頭像
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on 二, 05/05/2020 - 09:51 | 2 comment(s)
Hello, to make Labdoos contribution related to Corona / COVID-19 better visible on our web-site we are going to add COVID-19 to the name of an edoovillage. If you visit and type-in COVID-19 into free-text search, you will get a list of all projects worldwide, where Labdoo contributed to help during Corona crisis. If you...

Software Development

frankgeisler's 的頭像
Submitted by frankgeisler | Last mesage on 周日, 04/26/2020 - 14:03 | 4 comment(s)
hello i feel that we create an unnecessary volume of wasted paper if we print just one tag of one laptop on one page. this might not be a challenge for individual taggers but for hubs who tag and sanitize many laptops it is a waste of time, paper and hence precious resources. my suggestion is to add some type of functionality where one can either enter manually all the tag numbers of...