Labdoo Programs

Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Program


When a dootronic is deployed at a school and a mini-mission is accomplished, is the Labdoo effort completed? as you probably guess, the answer is no. Labdoo's goal is to deliver laptops loaded with education to schools but also to ensure that all laptops, once they no longer work, are properly recycled to make a more a sustainable world, and many things can happen between the deployment and recycling time that could still require Labdoo's aid.

One of the big things we try to accomplish after a dootronic is deployed at a school is to ensure that it continues to run as healthy as possible to maximize its lifespan until it is time to recycle it. This effort is made possible thanks to the Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Team, a program run by Labdoo volunteers from around the world who provide online help to students, teachers and staff members of edoovillages in resolving their dootronic (laptops, tablets, ebooks, etc.) related technical questions.

If we were a company selling laptops, the Labdoo Global Support Program would be what people in the business world commonly refer as "After-Sales Support". Labdoo is however not a company, but a humanitarian social project. Not only that, as you know, Labdoo does not accept monetary donations and does not use money to run its logistical system, so we can't rely on the traditional business approach to support laptops deployed in the field. Instead, we apply once again the same strategy we use to solve every challenge we encounter along our way: global collaboration and distributed technology. Labdoo's Global Support Program works by collecting drops of goodwill from everywhere in the planet united to help resolve technical questions that may arise to users located in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. In a nutshell, LGS provides a wall-like interface that allows students, teachers and staff members of the schools that receive laptops to write their technical questions. On that wall, Labdooers distributed across the planet help resolve the posted questions. Since Labdoo has physical presence in the five continents, the end result is a 24/7/365 (all days of the year) interactive online system that provides both technical support to people from the schools while at the same time it helps to continue to grow the global pool of knowledge (knowledgebase).

This wiki describes how the LGS Program works.

The LGS Workflow

Here is how the LGS workflow works:

  1. When a laptop is sanitized and packaged, print and attach the Labdoo Global Support Sheet as part of the shipment.
  2. Upon receiving a dootronic, users will see the LGS sheet and learn from it how to post their questions via the LGS system. This step is also described under the What if I want to Receive Aid from the LGS Support Team section.
  3. When a dootronic user posts a question via the LGS system, members of the LGS team receive a notification email and are able to provide answers to the questions also via the LGS system. This step is also described in detail under the What if I Want to be Part of the LGS Team section.

This process ensures both (1) that dootronic users' technical questions are efficiently answered and (2) that we continue to build an online global knowledgebase of questions and answers that other users can benefit from.

Please notice the following when using the LGS support team:

  • While we will do an effort in replying to all possible languages, the world has more than 6000 languages and so we can't presume we can understand all of them. The recommended language to make questions is English because, although we also have Labdooers who are proficient in other languages such as German, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French, and Catalan. Please try to use any of these languages unless there is no other way around for you.
  • Labdoo has a pretty good team of volunteers throughout the world who are familiar with the technical aspects of a laptop and computers in general, but we can't promise that we know all the answers. We will do our best though. Please notice that all answers are provided 'as is' and according to the Labdoo Terms and Conditions that you will find in your account ( under the 'Edit account' tab.
  • There are also many good knowledge bases and blogs in the Internet where you may find answers to your questions. Feel free to look for them as well using your favorite web search engine, you will find them very useful too. For instance, you can check sites such as

Figure. The LGS Workfow.
[Download and share pdf | png]

Labdoo Global Support Sheet


[Please print and attach this sheet to your dootronic shipment to ensure that the recipient knows how to use the LGS Support system. To print this sheet, click on 'Printer-friendly version' at the bottom of this page. Make sure to print it using the double page option in your printer settings to minimize the amount of paper used. Also, please print only one copy of this document for each group of laptops shipped together.]


Dear recipient,

We hope you enjoy this dootronic and with it, we hope that you and many others can gain access to rich education content and applications. By delivering this computer device to you, Labdoo has accomplished a great milestone. Many people have worked behind the scenes to deliver this dootronic to you, starting from the person who volunteered to donate it, the person who sanitized it or the person who carried it to you. But the work is still unfinished. At Labdoo, we also hope that you can effectively use this device to boost your education career and we understand that along the way you may have technical questions on how to use it or how to resolve certain issues. Because of this, we have a program to support any of your technical questions via the Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Team. So from here on, as you use this dootronic, if you have any technical questions, please do not hesitate to ask them to the LGS Team. The next steps will explain you how you can do it.

Enjoy your dootronic and happy learning time to you.

The Labdoo Team

To resolve any of your technical questions, please follow the next steps:

  1. If you haven't done so, create a Labdoo account by going to
  2. Log in to your Labdoo account and go to
  3. If you haven't done so, click on 'Subscribe to this team' to register to this team.
  4. Click on 'Start conversation'. In that form, put a title to your question and write your question in the 'Conversation' field. If you are a student, teacher or a staff member from an edoovillage, select the checkbox for this option and then under 'My edoovillage' write the name of your country and select your edoovillage project. Finally, make sure the option 'Send to all members of this team' is selected.
  5. Click on 'Save'. Your question is now submitted!

Once you complete the above steps, your question is submitted to the LGS team and in short you will receive a reply.


Estimado/a destinatario/a,

Esperamos que disfrutes de este dootronic y, con él, esperamos que tu y muchos otros podáis disfrutar de acceso a ricos contenidos educativos. Mediante la entrega de este dispositivo, Labdoo ha logrado uno de sus objetivos más importantes. Muchas personas han trabajado entre bastidores para entregarte este dootronic, incluyendo la persona que se ofreció a donarlo, la persona que lo saneo, o la persona que te lo ha traído. Pero el trabajo aún no ha concluido. En Labdoo, también esperamos que puedas utilizar este dootronic con eficacia para impulsar tu educación y entendemos que a lo largo de su uso puedas tener preguntas técnicas sobre cómo usarlo o cómo resolver ciertos problemas. Para ello, tenemos un programa de apoyo a cualquiera de tus preguntas técnicas a través del Equipo de Soporte Global Labdoo (LGS). Así que de ahora en adelante, cuando utilices este dootronic, si tienes preguntas técnicas, no dudes en enviarlas al equipo de LGS para obtener respuestas. Los siguientes pasos te explican cómo hacerlo.

Disfruta de tu dootronic y feliz aprendizaje!

El equipo Labdoo

Para resolver cualquiera de tus preguntas técnicas, por favor, sigue los siguientes pasos:

  1. Si no lo has hecho, create una cuenta Labdoo yendo a
  2. Entra dentro de tu cuenta y ves a Labdoo
  3. Si no lo has hecho, haz clic en "'Subscribe to this team' para registrarte a este equipo.
  4. Haz clic en "Start conversation". En este formulario, pon un título a tu pregunta y escribe tu pregunta en el campo de "conversation". Si eres un estudiante, maestro o un miembro del personal de una edoovillage, selecciona la casilla "I am a student, a teacher or a staff member from an edoovillage" y luego en "My edoovillage" escribe el nombre de tu país y selecciona tu edoovillage. Por último, asegúrate de que la opción "Send to all members of this team" esté selecciona.
  5. Haz clic a 'Save'. Tu pregunta se acaba de enviar!

Una vez completados los pasos anteriores, tu pregunta es enviada al equipo de LGS y en un breve plazo recibirás una respuesta.


Lieber IT-Spenden-Empfänger,

Wir hoffen, dass ihr mit dieser IT-Spende (dootronic) viel Spass habt und dass dadurch viele Zugang zu Lerninhalten und -programmen bekommen. Mit der Bereitstellung dieses Computers hat Labdoo einen weiteren Meilenstein erreicht. Viele Menschen haben hinter den Kulissen gearbeitet, um diese IT-Spende an Sie zu liefern, von dem IT-Spender, der es freiwillig spendete, den Helfern, die sie ehrenamtlich aufgearbeitet haben bis hin zum Flug-/Transportpaten, die sie transportiert hat.

Auf den Computern findet ihr Videotutorials und Manuals, um die Einarbeitung zu erleichtern. Bei weiteren, technischen Fragen zumComputer könnt ihr euch an das Labdoo Global Support (LGS) Team wenden. Die nächsten Schritte werden euch erklären, wie es abläuft.
Wir wünschen viel Spass und einen guten Lernerfolg mit dem Computer.

Das Labdoo-Team

Um eure technischen Fragen zu lösen folgt bitte diesen Schritten:

  1. Wenn ihr noch kein Labdoo-Konto habt, legt euch eins auf unter
  2. Meldet euch mit eurem Labdoo-Konto an und gehe auf
  3. Meldet euch in dieser Gruppe an, wenn noch nicht geschehen. Klicke dazu auf 'Subscribe to this team'.
  4. Klickt auf 'Start conversation'. Gebt einen Titel, i.d.R. euer Problem als Frage bzw. in Stichworten und und im Feld 'Conversation' eine Beschreibung eurer Frage / Problems ein. Als Lehrer, Schüler oder MitarbeiterIn eines Projektes ("Edoovillage") klickt die Checkbox für diese Option an und dann unter 'My edoovillage' schreibt den Namen deines Landes und deines Projekts. Stellt sicher, dass die Option 'Send to all members of this team' ausgewählt wurde.
  5. Klickt auf 'Save'. Eure Frage wird dann übermittelt!

Nach den o.a. Schritten wird deine Frage an das LGS Team übermittelt und beantwortet. Bitte habt etwas Geduld, da dies in unserer Freizeit geschieht.



我們希望你喜歡這個筆電。希望你和許多人可以借由它獲得豐富學習內容和應用軟件。通過此電腦設備,Labdoo 完成了一個偉大的里程碑。。這 個dootronic 從捐贈、測試、到把它交到你手上, 很多志工在的幕後,提供了各樣的服務,但工作仍未完成。在 Labdoo,我們也希望您可以有效地使用此設備來提高你的教育事業。我們知道你很可能會在如何使用它以及如何去解決某些技術問題發生困擾。因此,我們設計了一個程式希望能通過 Labdoo 全球支援 (LGS) 團隊來解決您筆電上發生的技術問題。當您使用此 dootronic,如果有任何技術問題,請不要猶豫,問 LGS 團隊。接下來的步驟解釋你如何向LGS 團隊發問。

預祝dootronic 能帶給你快樂的學習時間,

Labdoo 團隊 敬上

  1. 如果你還沒有Labdoo賬戶 ,請前往 建立一個新的賬號
  2. -登入您的Labdoo帳戶,並前往下列網頁
  3. 如果你還沒有訂閱 Team Labdoo Global Support (LGS) 點擊 並訂閱這個團隊。
  4. 點選 “ Start conversation” 。填入標題,以及 在“Conversation" 欄位中填入你的問題。。最後,確定'Send to all members of this team' 的方塊有被圈選。
  5. 點擊“Save ” 。你的問題現在已經提交!

一旦你完成提交 , 你將會在短時間内收到LGS團隊的回复。

Figure. Submit your questions by clicking on 'Start conversation' and filling in these fields.


Cher/Chère destinataire,

On espère que vous profitiez de ce dootronic et on espère aussi que, grâce à lui, vous et beaucoup plus de personnes puissiez accéder à des contenus et à des applications pédagogiques riches. À travers la livraison de ce dispositif, Labdoo a rejoint un de ses objectifs plus importants. Tellement de gens ont travaillé derrière les coulisses pour vous livrer ce dootronic, parmi lesquelles : la personne qui s’est offert à le donner, la personne qui l’a assaini ou la personne qui vous l’a apporté. Mais le travail n’est pas encore fini. L’équipe de Labdoo espère que vous puissiez utiliser ce dootronic avec de l’efficacité pour promouvoir votre éducation et on comprend que peut-être, au cours de son usage, vous aurez des questions techniques sur comment l’utiliser ou comment résoudre quelques problèmes. C’est pour ça qu’on a un programme de soutien : l’Équipe de Soutien Global (LGS, selon son sigle anglais) vous aidera avec vos doutes. Donc, désormais, quand vous utilisez ce dootronic, si vous avez des questions techniques, n’hésitez pas à les soumettre à l’équipe de LGS. Les instructions suivantes vous montreront comment le faire.

Jouissez votre dootronic et bon apprentissage !

L’équipe de Labdoo

Pour résoudre quelconque question technique, suivez ces instructions, s’il vous plaît :

  1. Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, créez un compte Labdoo sur :
  2. Rentrez dans votre compte et allez sur :
  3. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, cliquez sur « Subscribe to this team » pour vous abonner à cette équipe.
  4. Cliquez sur « Start conversation ». Vous verrez un formulaire : choisissez un titre pour votre question et écrivez la question dans le domaine « conversation ». Si vous êtes un étudiant, un professeur ou un membre de l’équipe d’une edoovillage, cliquez sur la casse « I am a student, a teacher or a staff member from an edoovillage », puis écrivez votre pays dans le champ « My edoovillage » et choisissez votre edoovillage. Finalement, vérifiez que vous ayez marqué l’option « Send to all members of this team ».
  5. Cliquez sur « Save ». Votre question vient d’être envié !

Une fois que vous ayez complété ce processus, votre question sera envoyée à l’équipe de LGS et vous recevrez une réponse à bref délai.

What if I Want to be Part of the LGS Team

If you want to be part of the global pool of helpers in the LGS Team, please do as follows:

  1. If you haven't done so, create a Labdoo account by going to
  2. Log in to your Labdoo account and go to the Labdoo QA team page
  3. Click on 'Subscribe to this team' to register to this team.

That's it, you are now part of the LGS Team. By registering to this team, any questions posted into its wall will be send to you in the form of an email, and if you know the answer to that question, you are most welcome to reply directly on the wall to help resolve it.

What if I want to Receive Aid from the LGS Support Team

If you have a technical question, you can ask it to the LGS Team by following the next steps:

  1. If you haven't done so, create a Labdoo account by going to
  2. Log in to your Labdoo account and go to the Labdoo Global Support Team page.
  3. If you haven't done so, click on 'Subscribe to this team' to register to this team.
  4. Check first that your question has not been answered before. To do so, please go to the search dashboard inside the LGS Team and put keywords related to your question in the field 'Search terms' and click on 'Apply'. A list of previous conversations related to your keywords will show up that could provide the answer to your questions. If you don't find the answer, proceed to the next point.
  5. Click on 'Start conversation'. In that form, put a title to your question and write your question in the 'Conversation' field. If you are a student, teacher or a staff member from an edoovillage, select the checkbox for this option and then under 'My edoovillage' write the name of your country and select your edoovillage project. Finally, make sure the option 'Send to all members of this team' is selected.
  6. Click on 'Save'. Your question is now submitted!

Anyone with a technical question is allowed to submit it via the steps described above, whether you are from an edoovillage or not. If you are from an edoovillage, do make sure you select the option "I am a student, a teacher or a staff member from an edoovillage" and fill in the name of your edoovillage so that the LGS team knows from which school you are messaging us. You can submit as many technical questions as you want.

Once you complete the above steps, your question is submitted to the LGS team and in short you will receive a reply.

Figure. Submit your questions by clicking on 'Start conversation' and filling in these fields.

Labdoo Km0


[Download the Labdoo Km0 brochure from this link]

[Download the Labdoo Km0 flier from this link]

What it is:

Labdoo Km0 is a workflow inside the Labdoo platform dedicated to helping those neighboring schools right next to you that are affected by the digital divide.

Why it exists:

Labdoo Km0 is one of the workflows implemented by the Labdoo platform designed to operate locally at a global scale. The objective of this program is to eradicate the digital divide found in our neighbour communities by delivering educational laptops using Labdoo’s circular economy.

The Outcome:

Labdoo Km0 provides a very simple process that anyone can do. In just 4 hours of your time, you can change the life of a child and help significantly reduce the effects of climate change. Every time you recycle a laptop and give it to a needy child, you are:

  • Creating an incredible educational opportunity to that child.
  • Helping to flatten the climate change curve by reducing 18.59 Kgms of CO2 for each rescued laptop.

How it works:

Enjoy the most unique and amazing human feeling of giving happiness to another human being!

Labdoo for Cities

Labdoo for Cities is a program that allows cities from around the world to implement the Labdoo collaborative workflow in a simple and sustainable manner. In a nutshell, Labdoo for cities works as follows:

  1. The Town Hall of the village, town or city creates first a Labdoo dropping point. This is a location where citizens can bring their unused but working laptops and tablets. This reception point is in charge of one main task: tagging the received dootronics and storing them in a drawer or some room. This step also leverages the great capabilities that the Town Hall has in reaching out to all of its citizens (via its standard channels such as the city news magazine, or the local radio and TV stations) enabling community awareness to help mobilize computers and new volunteers interested in the cause.
  2. One or more sanitation hubs are also created in the city. Our experience says that one very sustainable and educating way to do this step is by implementing the sanitation hubs in the various local schools (high school level). This allows young students to be part of the solution, allowing them to learn the concepts of recycling, sustainable international development, and global collaboration in a very hands on manner. Sanitation hubs can naturally be created in many other places besides schools, including homes, NGOs or local companies.

    In this step 2, volunteers from the sanitizing hubs pick up tagged laptops from the dropping point hubs.

  3. Students and/or volunteers from the sanitation hubs clean up the laptops and install the educational software following the general Labdoo workflow.
  4. Sanitized laptops are transported to needy schools using sustainable dootrips, as is also done in the general Labdoo workflow.

While the above workflow has been demonstrated to be simple and efficient, cities can develop their own modified workflows based on their capabilities and needs. If you are interested in implementing Labdoo for Cities in your own village, town or city, please reach out to the Labdoo Team at and we will help you get started.

Keep on reading in order to learn the specific (dropping point) hub protocol implemented by the Town Hall.

Labdoo for Cities: Protocol

The following protocol describes the actions that need to be taken by the dropping point hub (Town Hall) when receiving laptops from the citizens and when handing laptops to the sanitation hubs.

Laptop management protocol for Labdoo Dropping Point Hubs

When your hub receives a laptop from a donor:

  1. Remember to ask the donor for his/her email address if he/she wishes to receive email updates as the laptops makes progress to a school.
  2. Go to the tagging page ['Dootronics' → Tag it!'] Https://
  3. Fill in all fields under the 'Basic information' tab. Set the status of the laptop to "S1" and set the "Source hub" field to the name of your dropping point hub so that the laptop remains connected to your hub inventory. Upload also a picture of the laptop in the corresponding field.
  4. Fill out the "Additional notification emails" field with the email address that the donor gave you in step 1. You will find this field in the 'Additional information' tab.
  5. Click on the button 'Save' ('Save') at the bottom of the page. At this point the dootronic's page is created, sending also an email to your hub and to the donor's email address that you set in step 4.
  6. Click on the button "Print tags" at the top of the page on your new dootronic. Print the three labels. Cut the three labels and stick them with transparent tape on the laptop: one label goes underneath the laptop, another one goes inside the battery compartment and a third label needs to be attached to the power adapter. Make sure the tape fully covers all these labels and that they are firmly attached to the laptop and the adapter.

When your hub gives a laptop to a sanitation hub.

  1. Go to the dootronics dashboard: ['Dootronics' → 'View']
  2. In the "Free-Text Search" field, put the 9-digit number of the laptop you want to give to the sanitation hub. This will automatically update the table showing only the relevant dootronic. Click on this dootronic.
  3. Click on the 'Edit' button. Make sure you are logged into your account Labdoo, otherwise you will not see the button 'Edit'.
  4. Change the "Manager" and add instead the user name in charge of the sanitation hub.
  5. In the "Source hub" field, click on the button "Add another item" and add the name of the sanitation hub. Make sure that both your dropping point hub and the recipient sanitation hub are in the "Source hub" field so that the laptop appears in the inventory of both hubs.
  6. Repeat all the above steps for each of the laptops that you want to give to a sanitation hub.

Labdoo for Cities Flyer

If you are implementing Labdoo for Cities in your village or town, it will be handy for you to distribute a flyer to the local villagers to spread awareness and to let them know that they can bring their unused laptops and tablets to their closest dropping point hub. Below you can download a sample flyer to serve this purpose.

There are different ways to distribute the flyer. In some cases, the Town Hall offers to print the flyer and distribute it using its own channels. This approach is very effective because the Town Hall has very well established ways to reach out to the local villagers (through the local newspapers, radio, TV, etc.). For instance, often the Town Hall can distribute the flyer via its local newsletter sent periodically to inform villagers about new initiatives. Other approaches include printing flyers and putting them in the local bakeries, bookstores, libraries or any place where they can be freely and easily distributed to passing by villagers. Be creative when carrying out your own outreaching campaigns!

To customize the following flyers with your own village/city information or to translate it to another language, please reach us out at

English version:
[Download in printable format]

Spanish version:
[Download in printable format]

Catalan version:
[Download in printable format]

Labdoo's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Package

1. About the Labdoo CSR Package

When it comes to spreading education around the world, we can all be part of the solution, whether its by tagging or cleaning up a laptop, by contributing a trip to bring education to a school, or simply by spreading the word out to mobilize your community. There is a large variety of things (small, medium, or larger tasks) you can do to help out with our global mission.

Among all the people and organizations that are part of the global community, companies play a key role when it comes to helping those that are most in need. This package is specially designed to let companies contribute to the Labdoo cause and at the same time benefit from it as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

Two main reasons led us to the creation of the Labdoo CSR package:

  • Resources. Companies are incredibly well connected and have access to a very large pool of human and technology resources. It is often the case that a small action carried out by a company can have large effects to those who are most in need.
  • Goodwill and reputation. More and more companies are looking for ways to contribute back to the community. We as a people understand that life is not just only about revenue bottom lines, but also about community and helping each other to make the world a better place. Doing good things for the community also helps companies increase their reputation, and provides an example for others to do the same.

These two reasons provide a win-win opportunity addressed by this CSR package. By participating, companies are both doing a great contribution to the community while helping increase their goodwill reputation providing an example for others to follow.

If you are interested in participating in the Labdoo CSR program, please contact us at

2. How Does it Work

Deep into Labdoo's DNA there is the notion of finding the right task for every person and organization who participates. This is very important for one key reason: long term sustainability. A task should fit your capabilities, not too small, not too large, just the right fit. That's why we designed Project following a bottom-up approach. What does that mean? in short, it means that you get to decide what action you want to help with. There is a very simple principle behind this approach: you know your capabilities, your preferences, skills and passions better than anyone else, so you and your organization are most appropriate to make this decision.

As a result, the Labdoo CSR package is designed to be simple to understand. The package includes a list of actions you can do to help with the mission of spreading education around the world and you get to choose which ones you want to carry out. Tasks are organized into modules and depending on which module you implement, you get one of the various recognition levels: World Ambassador, World Activist or World Changer.

Our recommendation is also simple: start small, choose a simple initial task, implement it, learn from it, and if you feel you can, grow your level of contribution one step at a time.

3. CSR Modules

Companies can choose to implement one of the following three contribution modules.

3.1. World Ambassador Module. The main objective of this module is to spread the word out that Project exists and to help mobilize local communities towards the goal of moving laptops and tablets to needy schools. This is for the most part an outreaching/networking package. As a company, you are very well connected to communities such as your own employees or other companies and simply spreading the word can lead to other great contributions. There are several great things you can do to help spread the word out as part of the World Ambassador module. You will be recognized with this contribution level if you do at least one of the following tasks:

  1. Let your employees know how they can donate their unused laptops. Using your internal network, you can inform your employees how their unused laptops can potentially change the education path of a child.
  2. Let your employees know how they can contribute a dootrip. A dootrip (a Labdoo Trip) is defined as a CO2-neutral trip that someone needs to do (for business, for holidays, etc.) and that is re-purposed to carry a laptop to a destination. Inform your employees about the possibility of contributing a dootrip to bring laptops closer to a needy school.
  3. Encourage your employees to create a Labdoo hub. A Labdoo hub is a location where people can bring unused laptops and where volunteers help sanitize and install the education software following the steps in the Labdoo Sanitation Toolkit. Encourage your employees to create a hub on their own to help make the world a cleaner place while spreading education.
  4. Spread the word outside your company boundaries. You can do all the above by letting other companies (maybe you suppliers, your customers or collaborators) know about Project Labdoo. Maybe your company has a booth at a tradeshow and you might be interested in doing your CSR work by advertising the Labdoo cause from your both. It can be as simple as printing the Labdoo CSR Package Flyer and distributing it away.

The task of implementing the World Ambassador CSR module is in fact simplified because the Labdoo tools already provide most of the material you need to help spread the word out. For instance, you can freely print the Labdoo poster to help explain the movement, you can attach the Labdoo videos to your outreaching messages, you can print out the Labdoo CSR Flyer to distribute to your collaborators, or you can even create your own roll up by using the Labdoo roll up design. You can readily find all of these outreaching materials and designs in the Labdoo toolkit.

3.2. World Activist Module. The World Activist module includes the World Ambassador package plus additional contributions made directly by the company. In particular, your company will be recognized with this contribution level if one or more of the following tasks are carried out:

  1. Dootronics contribution. The company contributes more than 50 unused laptops or tablets in a year.
  2. Dootrips contribution. The company contributes more than 10 dootrips in a year.
  3. Hub contribution. The company creates a Labdoo hub as part of its community work and helps to collect and sanitize more than 10 laptops a year.

3.3. World Changer Module. The World Changer module includes the World Ambassador package plus additional contributions made directly by the company. In particular, your company will be recognized with this contribution level if one or more of the following tasks are carried out:

  1. Dootronics contribution. The company contributes more than 1000 unused laptops or tablets in a year.
  2. Dootrips contribution. The company contributes more than 100 dootrips in a year.
  3. Hub contribution. The company creates one or more Labdoo hubs as part of its community work and helps to collect and sanitize more than 100 laptops a year.

4. Other Special Contributions

Some organizations may be able to participate in Labdoo's CSR Program by contributing other resources not specified in the above packages too. This allows these organizations to better leverage their own specific capabilities, resources and know-how. Examples are organizations which can contribute other types of goods such as books, photo and video cameras, or large scale awareness campaigns, to name just a few. When an organization offering these special contributions wants to join the Labdoo's CSR Program, the application will be considered on a case by case basis. When accepted, these organizations will also be given one of the above recognition levels (world ambassador, world activist or world changer) depending on their degree of contribution.