Edoovillage #2188 - Cameroon, Buea: Using Technology To Building Communities
6.1 Full Name(*): Kenneth Ngah Ndzedzeni
6.2 Phone(*): 5072023909
6.3 Email(*): ngahkenneth@nokidbehind.org
I come from an area where kids have limited access to the seeing computers before even having a
chance to touch and work on them. I grew up like most of these kids and it has been my wish to set
up something that could enhance quick learning among kids in the community. The labtop project
from Labdoo will be a great opportunity for me to achieve this dream. We will not have a teacher in
class teaching computer skills to kids by drawing on the board what a computer is but this time
with your help kids will be able to learn while sitting on computers. We have a model where we
have nominated school ambassadors who work with NoKidBehind in mentoring kids and also
teachers at the school. We are going to set up a classroom and create a lab for the kids to use
these laptops and learn. Creating a conducive study environment for the kids.
Date it was last updated: 11/07/22