Edoovillage #2686 - Nigeria, Ondo: Dixtinct Africa | Adequate Nutrition | Nevilbot Educonsult
Vincent Olafusika Bashua
Dixtinct Africa in Conjunction with Initiative for Adequate Nutrition provides I.T lessons for secondary school kids in Ondo, Nigeria every Saturday
Dixtinct Africa (a project of Initiative for Adequate Nutrition) is a computer training school that provide high school kids with computer lessons every Saturday. Kids are introduced to coding, game development, website development and keep them off the streets by providing weekend extra-curricular activities. Many of the kids do not have access to laptops and many of the lessons are taught using shared equipment.
A donation of laptops to Dixtinct Africa by Labdoo will make it easier for the kids to be taught practically and improve their I.T knowledge. Dixtinct Africa tries to educate the kids about ethical computer digital skills and give them useful digital knowledge before they are exposed to internet fraud. This project teaches the kids digital skills using kid friendly curriculum that are fun and easy to understand. A donation to the initiative of Dixtinct Africa will go a long way in keeping the initiative alive.
Date it was last updated: 20/05/24